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Only 100 Days, honest Injun

Biden says he will instruct every American to wear a mask for one hundred days. Not forever, mind you. Just one hundred days. Pinky swear.

Yesterday on CNN The Great Mask Dictator Joe Biden said on Inauguration Day he will instruct every American to wear a mask for one hundred days. Not forever, mind you. Only 100 days. That’s all. No biggie. Trust him.

Say, remember 15 days to slow the spread?

How many days ago was that?

But don’t worry. You will only have to wear a mask for 100 days. You can take that to the bank.

Now, Joe admits he can’t officially mandate every American behind a mask. He needs state and local officials to mandate it and enforce it on his behalf.

But hey. It isn’t forever. Just a hundred days.

Honest injun!

Pinky swear!

When Biden made this statement he concluded that because of his not-a-mandate Mask Mandate “I think we’ll see a significant reduction.”

Who determines what constitutes a “significant reduction?” And what happens if, after the 100 days, we do not arrive at that magic number?

Do you think Biden will toss up his hands and say, “Oh, well. Masks didn’t help! Let’s try something else.”

Of course he won’t.

The hundred days will turn into 200 days. Then a year. Then two years.

Of course by then, nobody will be able to afford to buy masks because nobody will have a job since the 15-days-to-slow-the-spread lockdowns will still be going on as well.

You’d have to be the most gullible person on the planet to believe that Biden’s “Not-A-Mandate Mask Mandate” will only last 100 days. Either that or you were in a coma back in March when we were told the lockdowns to “slow the spread” would only last 15 days.

If you want my guess, I’d say if Biden gets inaugurated and issues this dictate, Americans will still be wearing masks come Election Day 2024.

Vaccine or no vaccine, just as they did with “fifteen days to slow the spread,” they will find one reason after another to push this not-a-mandate Mask Mandate further and further out from the initial one hundred days.

Hat tip The New York Post.