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If Joe disagrees with Kamala he’ll resign – Um … Okay

Who’s calling the shots in the so-called “Biden Administration?”

If Joe disagrees with Kamala he’ll resign – Um ... Okay

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

Last night on CNN, Joe Biden told Jake Tapper that if a time comes when he disagrees with Kamala Harris, he will pretend to have a disease and say he has to resign.

And I have questions.

Because while Joe often jams his foot into his mouth and says the damnedest things, volunteering a bit of information like that seems off the charts bizarre.

“I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.” Really?

Um. Okay. Is anybody else gob-smacked by this statement?

Well, Jake Tapper clearly wasn’t. Here the putative “President-Elect” is admitting that he’ll quit if ever he disagrees with Kamala. And Tapper doesn’t say boo about this startling admission. Not one word.

Trump accidentally says “stand by” instead of “stand down” during the first debate, and CNN goes into apoplectic fits of fury – reading all kinds of wild, insane conspiracy theories into it.

But old Joe can admit, live on television, that if he disagrees with Kamala Harris he’ll pretend to have some disease and say he has to resign, and Jake Tapper can’t be bothered to follow-up?

You have to admit, it is highly unusual to have the presumptive “President-Elect” tell the world that, if need be, he’ll develop some disease and say he has to resign the Presidency — over disagreeing with his Vice President.

I mean, you don’t need to pull out an abacus and a Ouija board to conjure hidden meanings in a statement like that. It’s right out there in the open.

And it sounds to me like Joe accidentally gave the game away, and his untimely resignation is already a foregone conclusion.

Worse still, “Kamala, I disagree with you” seems like a pretty lame reason to concoct a “I’ve contracted a disease and have to resign” excuse.

After all, why would the “president” be the one to resign over a disagreement with his VP?

Who’s calling the shots in “the office of the President-Elect” — Joe or his running mate?

Let’s leave aside the fact that a disagreement between a president and VP doesn’t seem like a valid reason to resign. But if Joe disagrees with Kamala, shouldn’t Kamala be the one to resign?

Now, I realize that Joe Biden often says things that are aggressively bonkers. But he also says things that end up being inadvertent admissions — like when he bragged about their extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization.

Admitting that a disagreement with his veep is reason enough to feign a disease and resign seems less like you’re typical Biden gaffe and more like an inadvertent admission that baked in to this so-called Biden Administration is the understanding that Joe is the side-man and Kamala is calling the shots.

But do tell me more about how this guy with the built-in exit plan won 80 million votes.