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Gather the Goons Part 1: Prep the Battlefield


Article by Talon2 in RedState

Gather the Goons Part 1: Prep the Battlefield


First before we get into the Diary Entry – If you live in GA – vote for Perdue and Loeffler – I don’t care what Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Ali, or Cernovich said. Boycotting the vote is about the dumbest idea I have heard the last couple of days. And where I work stupid ideas are like blades of grass.  Yes hinky stuff happened, yes it should be investigated, yes people should go to jail, no we should not gift wrap the Senate to Schumer so he can put the Constitution in a paper shredder and turn the U.S.A. into Venezuela 2.0 Starvation Boogaloo, to make a point to “Own the Cons”.  If you are eligible to vote – do so – bring 10 conservative friends and make it happen.

Note before we begin: I am using twitter handles as some of the folks mentioned wished to remain as anonymous as possible while still being part of this.

*Steps off soap Box*


Battlefield Preparation:

I have been a member of the right, in some form or fashion, almost as long as I can remember. I grew up listening to Rush with my Grandfather in the early 90s (I just dated myself, didn’t I). I voted for W, McCain (I just threw up in mouth a bit) Romney (ick. I know.) and the God Emperor of Terra and Primarch of the VIIth Legion, the Imperial MAGA Fists, Rogal Pence against the Forces of Chaos (@teknikal762 this ones for you).  I vote for Republicans in every race I am eligible for, from dog catcher to U.S. Senator – even when they are not the most titanium spined conservatives out there.  I volunteer and donate to Republicans in every election and fight for conservative causes locally at every turn. I was escorted out of a couple of PTA meetings because I went hard after the Principal, Superintendent and Teachers unions for wanting to pollute my child’s brain with Critical Race Theory.  I have been unabashed in my support for President Trump and in NOVA that is no small thing. I have had flags and signs stolen, been cursed out as a Racist, Fascist, Istaphobicphobeaphobe by former friends – more than I would like to count –  had my car keyed, and I get side eye from all my neighbors.  Guess what. I don’t give a shit – I still show my support and throw it back in their faces at every opportunity. I say this not to impress but to show you that I gave gotten my hands dirty, and suffered loss for the cause.

Sure there are some folks like COL Kurt Schlicter, the guys at the Townhall media group, Daily Wire, Dan Bongino etc. are willing to do what is necessary to make victory happen.  Make no mistake this is about victory and the exercise of political power – to ensure that our freedoms are not summarily destroyed, and we are not marginalized for the remainder of our life times. I can already hear the squishes in the back “BuT wE cAn rEaSoN WiTh ThEm, ThEy WoULd NeVeR dO tHaT…” I ask you this – when democrats have had power when have they not used it to our detriment.  Give me one example. I will wait….. *looks at watch*…..That’s what I thought.

We as conservatives, republicans, Libertarians, non-leftists are letting them dictate to us what is acceptable and when the enemy – yes the left is the enemy – dictates to you the terms of engagement you will lose 100% of the time.  What has always astounded me about the right is our unwillingness to engage the left on their terms using their tactics. To not even fight back except to turn the other cheek and squeal – yes sir! may I have another! To outsource the so called “dirty work” to others. The excuse I keep hearing is “Well I have a job and family, I don’t want to get canceled, I am scared, I can’t take the time to do this, its icky and I don’t like being mean, I want my leftist neighbors to like me so I can get invited to their shitty Christmas party” etc.  Your Biden/Harris Stanning neighbors – the ones you thought were nice people who wouldn’t sell you out – Own an AR-15? Maybe you don’t believe in the climate cult Gaia nonsense? Don’t toe the BLM line hard enough? I can guarantee they will gladly sell you out if they thought it would benefit them.  See to them you are no longer a person – you are an obstacle to progress.  As Dan Bongino has said countless times, we view leftists as people with bad ideas, leftists view us as bad people with ideas.  Never forget that difference.  Make no mistake that is the fight we are in. Shame them right back, throw it in their face. They are bullies and how do you deal with bullies – run and hide behind the teacher or stand up and get licks in?  To take a line from @offthe_res book Prairie Fire “Why? Because screw them that’s why. They call you a racist – screw you. Don’t like me wearing a MAGA Hat? Screw you. Don’t like that I am flying a Blue Lives matter Flag? Screw you do something about it.”  He used different wording but you get the point. Show them you will not be cowed.

Who is @offthe_res you might ask? He is a retired Special Forces Sergeant who has more combat experience than any three people I know combined – yours truly included.  He knows the ins and outs of 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation warfare because he has been taught to teach others how to implement it.  If you can’t be cowed into silence, if you can’t be made to afraid to speak up you can still win.  You have to be willing to take a hit – and what I am gathering is there are a lot of us out there who are unwilling to take a punch – we were hoping Trump, or Barr or whoever would do it for us – well in case you have been asleep for the last year or so, no one is going to save you except you.  So stop waiting for others to take the first step.  You will lose what you thought were friends and long held relations, during this fight – well guess what they were never your friends to begin with.  I have lost countless friends, family and other relations for no other reason then who I voted for. Guess what – I DON’T CARE. You will find new friends and new relationships.

I know because I found a group of people that match my ideology, interests and personality to a “T” its a twitter groups called #GOLDCORP and #GoonTwitter.  No you can’t join unless we let you.  You have to get vetted just like any other group.  So what is #GOLDCORP? It started off as a Meme, a really funny, really irreverent Meme.  Then in broke the barrier of time and space and seeped into real life, kind of like Russell Crowe in the movie Virtuosity with just as much panache.  It gave the guys a rallying cry and allowed us to network and make connections amongst one another.  What’s stopping you from creating your own version of it.  Nothing – start reaching out and making connections, you will find there are more of us then you think.

As @Snakeeater36, another of the #GOLDCORP Cadre and SOF guy and many others have urged – Start building your network of like minded people, critical capabilities, and start building up your stash of critical equipment.  I am not telling you to go all doomsday prepper – that’s dumb – you still have a day to day life to live.  But incase you haven’t noticed things are hanging on by a thread.  Remember the Great TP and Red Meat Run of 2020?  Do you have the stuff you need to take care of yourself? Do you have the stuff you need to take care of your families? Do you have food, water and medical supplies? If you still live in one of the free states – do you have a firearm and means to carry it comfortably? Along with the necessary equipment – should god forbid – you get in a situation you need to use it.  By building a network it introduced me to @DempMcgee and his company SOLATAC.  They make some of the best medical kits that money can buy.  It introduced me to so many people and so much good information and allowed me to build up my own network of folks that will help support me in case things go pear shaped.  And they know I would do the same for them no questions asked.

So my question to you is this – you can see what’s going on around you.  What are you going to do about it?

(P.S. I recommend that you buy both of @offthe_res books Concrete Jungle and Prairie Fire – as someone who has served overseas and seen my fair share of combat it taught me a lot.  For those that have not had the fortunate (unfortunate?) experience of combat it will provide you a base of knowledge that will help you through trying times. Link to the author page: https://www.amazon.com/Clay-Martin/e/B077P81ZP1?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1607124881&sr=8-1)

(Also SOLATAC is one of the best Medical Suppliers of Field Expedient Kits out there.  If you have a specific request Demp and Mrs. Demp can build you pretty much whatever you want.  Link to SOLATAC https://solatac.com/home/)

Full Disclosure – I have zero monied interests in either of these recommendations – if they were terrible I would say so and would not be recommending them.  They are both the heat.  I would not stake my reputation on them if I thought them lacking.



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