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Joe’s Home Studio

There’s nothing worse than a backseat driver – especially one who, last time he was behind the wheel, totaled the car and killed a bunch of people.  

Whelp, we finally caught sight of Joe Hidin’ today when he gave his first awkward, made-for-public-access video “briefings” from a home studio hastily set up by his crack team of handlers.

And it was about as uncomfortable and low-budget as you’d expect from a home studio production.

I mean Wayne’s World had better production quality.

🎶“Joe’s World! Party Time! Excellent!” 🎵

Keep in mind, he’s reading this stuff – if not from a teleprompter, from cue cards held up by one his home studio staffers just below the camera.

Which would explain this: 


I’m guessing for the next pretend “briefing” his crack Home Studio Team will frame Joe a little tighter so we don’t see his frantic hand movements when his cue card-holder isn’t flipping the pages fast enough.

It’s cringy.  And it’s campy.

But it’s all Team Biden can trust Joe do.

For heaven’s sake, they know they can’t risk having Joe sit for actual interviews where he might have to field questions and speak off the cuff.

So I’m figuring from now until the Democratic Convention, they’ll keep old Joe locked in his home studio speaking to a camera and staying unchallenged, unquestioned and (hopefully) on script.