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Weekend Open Thread

We're going to keep it simple this week folks. Why? Because we've got a band, and we've got cymbals in the band. But you say, "That sounds ridiculous." I concur. But we also have skyscraper, and it sings a pretty tune 'cause every band needs skyscraper too. After all, what is a band without skyscraper? "Utter nonsense! What does this have to do with keeping things simple in this week's Weekend Open Thread?" you say. To that I say, this is Simple:

A simple version of Simple.

A completely not simple version of Simple. It's worth a listen for our patient listeners out there.

y'all know what's up
memes, gifs, music, pics, random thoughts ...
post 'em if you got 'em

and don't forget to recommend
and invite someone new to join in