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Now that NeverTrumpers are Democrats, they’ve lost their usefulness

After leaving the Republican Party, the hectoring NeverTrumpers turn their hectoring toward the Democrats.
And the Democrats don’t want to hear it.

You almost have to pity those hapless NeverTrumpers.


The likes of Max Boot, Bill Kristol and Jennifer Rubin got so used to basking in the adoring praise of the Democrat Resistance😜, that they actually believed switching teams would kick up the adoration to Spinal Tap 11.

“If you loved me and retweeted me when I was a Republican attacking Trump, then you’re really gonna love me now that I’m on your side!!” They stupidly thought.

Yeah.  They were wrong.

Fact is, the only reason these NeverTrumpers had any usefulness whatsoever was because they were Republicans who hated Trump and the Republican Party.

Now that they’re Trump-hating Democrats lecturing Democrats about the dangers of nominating Bernie Sanders, the Democrats have no use for them.

And it’s hilarious!

King of the NeverTrumpers, Bill Kristol, has worked himself into a sweaty, nervous mess over the prospect of Democrats nominating Bernie Sanders.  I just did a quick Twitter search of his timeline, and boy is he twisting himself into knots trying to convince his Resistance😋 fans that Sanders is a bad bet.

I did the same thing for the Queen of the NeverTrumpers, Jennifer Rubin.  She too is hectoring the Democrats — demanding they nominate someone other than Sanders.

“Hey, new to the party here, but now that I’m on your side, you should start doing what I say.”

These guys actually convinced themselves that the Resistance😄 was giving them all that attention and praise because they liked and respected them.

That’s how stupid these NeverTrumpers are.

The Resistance😅 didn’t flock to these guys because of their brilliance, political insight or sheer charisma.  They flocked to them because the NeverTrumpers were Republicans who hated Republicans.

Democrats who hate Trump and the Republican Party are a dime a dozen.  There’s no shortage of those guys on Twitter and cable news.  But Republicans who hate Trump and the Republican Party?  Now, those guys the Resistance😆 can exploit.

Only now, they’re calling themselves Democrats.

You know, I take it back.  I don’t almost feel pity for them.

I don’t pity them at all.

This is exactly the Karma these nitwits deserve.

Good grief.  What fools they are.

Is it any wonder they didn’t see Trump coming in 2016?

They are so in love with the sound of their own voices, they convinced themselves that the only reason Republicans dismissed them is because we Republicans are too stupid to recognize their brilliance.

And then they convinced themselves that the Resistance😃 was slobbering all over them because of that glittering brilliance we dumb, gap-toothed Trumpkins were just too stupid to grasp.

Who’s laughing? Because I’m howling here.

These NeverTrumpers are so damn gullible they didn’t realize that they were nothing but useful idiots. It was that usefulness that got them retweets and follows. It was that usefulness that got them oodles of airtime on CNN and MSNBC — despite the fact that all of them have a face made for radio.

And all this time, they honestly thought the Resistance😄 respected them.

Okay, howling laughing again.

So they switched their party affiliation, proudly announced it, then promptly started lecturing the Resistance😅 the same way they once lectured us.

And they’re getting the exact same reaction from the Resistance😆 that they got from us.

Come on! What’s not to love about that?

Especially knowing that these poor, stupid saps didn’t see it coming.