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It appears that the jury was tainted

It appears that the jury in

the Roger Stone trial was tainted

From beginning to end, Robert Mueller and his squad used Roger Stone as an object lesson to frighten anyone who had high-level contact with the Trump campaign in the lead-up to and immediately after the election.  Stone is not a savory character, but the treatment meted out to Stone, now 67, had a revolting aura of police state hanging about it from the start.  Now it turns out that this un-American police state set up a kangaroo trial to shuttle Stone into prison.

The Mueller mob started its press against Stone in January 2019, when Stone, who ought to have been a generic white-collar criminal:
... was instead subjected to a humiliating midnight predawn raid with cars full of riot gear–clad FBI agents, all staged before the cameras of CNN, which was exclusively granted access to the scene worthy of an action movie.  [Update: It is not clear who leaked news of the raid to CNN, having the effect of staging it for the most anti-Trump of networks.] This is similar to the treatment of Paul Manafort, but with the added indignity of CNN cameras.
Stone, a first-timer, was eventually convicted of lying to Congress, interfering in the House's Russian Collusion Hoax investigation, and tampering with a witness.  All of these charges sound serious, but the first two are garden-variety politics and a routine occurrence in D.C.  As for the third, the witness at the receiving end of the fulminating threats Stone issued recognized them for the language of an angry, impotent man and found them laughable.

Despite all this, Mueller's cadre asked the judge to impose a seven- to nine-year prison term for Stone.  While this is technically within the reach of the laws Stone violated, it's a grotesque demand for an elderly, first-time, non-violent offender.  To give context to how truly evil this request was, John Nolte reminds us of James A. Wolfe:
Wolfe is the scumbag who completely betrayed his trust as the head of security for the Senate intelligence committee by leaking to the media (including a New York Times reporter he was allegedly banging) — all in an effort to damage Trump. While under investigation for leaking government secrets, he lied on three occasions to the FBI (a crime), eventually pleaded guilty to one count, and was sentenced to just two months.
Two months!
Eight weeks!
I'm fine with that. Like Stone, he certainly deserves to spend some time in prison, and anything up to a year seems reasonable. Nevertheless, there is just no question what Wolfe did is much worse than what Stone's been found guilty of.
Meanwhile, Obama-ites have walked away free despite acts such as violating national security and deleting 33,000 emails, wiretapping an opponent's presidential campaign, lying to Congress, forging FISA warrants, etc.  What the Mueller gang was demanding the judge do to Stone was political thuggery of the worst sort, and Barr's DOJ was right to step in.  (The only question was why the DOJ waited as long as it did.)

Naturally, the left went insane with rage that Trump and the DOJ would try to correct a manifest case of prosecutorial overreach.  Indeed, they went so mad with rage that Tomeka Hart wrote a Facebook post challenging Trump and the DOJ.

Who is Tomeka Hart?  She is one of the jurors who helped convict Roger Stone.  Hart explained that Trump's interference was so egregious that she could no longer keep quiet:
"I have kept my silence for months. Initially, it was for my safety. Then, I decided to remain silent out of fear of politicizing the matter," Hart wrote on Facebook, adding: "But I can't keep quiet any longer."
Hart would have done her cause better to keep quiet.  By identifying herself, she revealed just how corrupt the Mueller posse really was, for Hart was the last person who should have been on a politically charged jury.

First, Hart was a former Democrat congressional candidate, although party affiliation alone should not be enough to boot a potential juror from a trial.  Second, and significantly, Hart hated Trump, his politics, and his associates:
Here are some of her Tweets about Trump and those close to Trump
But how did she get on a jury involving Trump's longtime close friend?
How did a federal court judge ever allow a far left wing activist to sit on a case where a close Trump associate faced trial?
(Hart is trying to hide the evidence, she's started to delete her social media posts.)

Roger Stone was tried in a kangaroo court, one in which the prosecutors, and possibly the judge, colluded to ensure a guilty judgment against him.  This is a disgrace and antithetical to everything America stands for.

It's becoming clear that the entire Mueller investigation was corrupt.  Mueller knew by the second day that the Trump campaign had not colluded with Russia and that everything in the Steele dossier was bull fecal matter.  Instead of announcing that truth, Mueller's team embarked upon a two-year odyssey of destroying people close to Trump by catching them on process crimes.  The message was clear: work with Trump, and not only will you retire from Washington in disgrace, but you will also lose everything: career, money, and even your liberty.

It's well past time to call all of these people — including Mueller himself — to account, not with police action and kangaroo trials, but with justice properly administered and impartially carried out.