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Trump Has Another Triumph Over Democrats After an Already Amazing Week

President Donald Trump has been having one heck of a week. 

He was victorious in the Senate impeachment trial, after being acquited, with Democrats’ hopes of taking him down going up in flames. 

Not did their efforts fail but they seem to have helped his approval rating. 

He delivered a ripping good State of the Union address (see what I did there) showcasing the stories of wonderful Americans. The speech and his beating them so infuriated the Democrats, Pelosi had to destroy it, literally. 

Trump also took out another important terrorist, the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. 

Plus he got more great news about the economy.

But now add more. with another win over Democrats. 

Democrats have been trying to get Trump’s financial information in the continuing witch hunt to find something which they can remove him with.

Some Congressional Democrats had sued claiming that he was allegedly violating the Constitutions emoluments clause which bards presidents and other federal officers from receiving money from foreign governments. 

But the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit didn’t buy it, saying that the individual members of Congress, who included Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) didn’t have standing to sue. 

From CNBC: 
Individual members of Congress lack legal standing to sue the president on such a claim, said the three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in an unanimous ruling.[….]
The decision came two months after the panel appeared deeply skeptical of the claim that members of Congress, as opposed to Congress itself, could sue a president for violating the law.
“You are not Congress,” Judge Thomas Griffith told a lawyer for the 215 members during oral arguments in December.
“You are not here representing Congress.”

Blumenthal called it “dismaying” that once again they lost. 

Trump celebrated, telling reporters that the decision was “a total win” and he called Democrats’ suit was “another phony case.”
