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Sorry, Republicans Rule the Internet

 Article by Kara Swisher in "The New York Times":

Is there an app for that?

Apparently not for the Iowa Democratic caucuses, which is now red-faced over what appears to be an inept rollout of new technology to help precincts report the results of the voting on Monday.

Who won? Who knows? Which is not exactly how the Democrats want to start off these critical primaries. This looks more like my octogenarian mom when her New York Post app does not load correctly than a political party leaning into the future.

This reminds me of another Democratic tech snafu: the debut of the glitch-laden and over-budget Obamacare website, technically called HealthCare.gov, in 2013. A nonpartisan report from the Government Accountability Office later concluded that there was a lack of “effective planning and oversight practices” in the development of the site.

The primary season is a much larger beast, made more complex by the hyperpartisan political landscape, the breathless media environment in which cable TV hosts vamp for hours and, most of all, by social media, which on Monday immediately stirred itself into a frenzy.

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There was the hashtag #MayorCheat, alleging links between Pete Buttigieg and the company that built the app for the caucuses, Shadow — Could it have a worse name? No, it could not! — and also its funder, a Democratic digital strategy operation called Acronym.

There were the twins of conspiracy mongering — also known as the Trump sons, Eric and Don Jr. — along with the Trump campaign head Brad Parscale shoving out a series of unsubstantiated rumors about rigged results. And bots, so many bots, making it all worse by turning the social media engagement into enragement. And, certainly, there was also the possibility of hacking and possible foreign influence that hangs over our elections like a Putin stink bomb.

Above all, though, it appears that rank tech incompetence is at the bottom of the Iowa debacle; I have seen enough Silicon Valley apps do similar belly flops to feel confident that’s what happened on Monday. As the Democrats sort out the problems — from bad mobile connectivity to an app that gives beta testing a bad name, to obvious human error caused by the confusion of using a new system — such ineptitude is not a good look for the party.

As the writer Maura Quint noted on Twitter: “Feels like you can ask people to trust the process or you can name your election companies Acronym and Shadow like they’re rival gangs of supervillains in a movie where Spiderman teams up with G.I. Joe to save Manhattan, but you can’t do both.”

This gets to the heart of a persistent myth: that the Democrats are the party of the internet generation, intuitively embracing the whole app-tastic, A.I.-centered, who’s-got-the-V.R.-headset future better than the Republicans. That fallacy was fueled, in part, by the use of digital tools by Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008 and the image of him as tech-forward, a guy who hung out with Silicon Valley leaders like the former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt.

The truth is that Mr. Obama was only sort of techie. More important, his administration did not challenge the industry in any significant way. In the Obama years, Silicon Valley consolidated its influence and centralized its power without oversight. In addition, the idea took hold that the tech industry was full of liberals, when in fact it is more libertarian-lite with a strong proclivity for an unusual combination of live-and-let-live social mores and “don’t regulate my innovation or tax me” business attitude.

In fact, from the start of the internet age in the 1990s, the right has been more clever than its rivals in exploiting ever-morphing tech to influence vast numbers of people with targeted messages.

While it’s hard to forget in the age of Fox News ubiquity, a couple of decades ago most of the truly powerful media outlets were centrist (or slightly left of center), and mass-media broadcast technology was not readily available to the emerging conservative movement.

Thus, these outsiders latched on to the web, which in many cases meant they were among the first to effectively use highly targeted email and search ads. Back in the early 2000s, people like the evangelical political strategist Ralph Reed showed us what was coming: campaigns that are fought and won online, and power shifting to those who know how to move the tech levers.

Right now that’s people like Mr. Parscale, whose tactic is to use the entire arsenal of weapons that companies like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have provided in the most creative and sometimes nefarious of ways. And, as loath as I am to say this, why shouldn’t he create a raging digital fire of confusion and propaganda and microtargeted lies and truths if no one is making rules to stop him? It is not meant as a compliment, but right now being the best tech arsonist is what rates.

Meanwhile, as it all burns, the Democrats in Iowa are fiddling away on an app that can’t tally what is a relatively simple set of data. Long ago, during a debate about the Obamacare site mess and what it meant for eventual online voting, I suggested to a panel of Washington power players that maybe we get a start-up like Tinder to run the voting system, since it did complex matching calculations in real time.

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My comment was greeted by looks of horror, with one panel member asking me why our democracy should rely on dating app technology.

The answer was simple: because it works.