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Liberal Bias ‘Accelerating Wedge In Our Society,’ Began With ‘Love Affair’ for Obama

Article by Brent Baker in "mrcNewsBusters":
At a forum in California recently aired by C-SPAN, two news media veterans admitted – what all too many of their colleagues still deny – that liberal bias and overt hostility to Donald Trump is hurting the country and threatening to destroy the relevance of journalism.
“I think a liberal bias is increasingly embedded in the journalism as a result of the Trump experience and it’s accelerating and deepening the wedge in our society between the left and the right,” declared Van Gordon Sauter, president of CBS News for two stints in the 1980s. He blamed universities for the lack of an ideological mix in newsrooms: “Our colleges, which are dominated by liberals, liberal professors, are churning out these students who never hear another opinion.”

Sauter, the first president of Fox News, warned that even after Trump leaves office journalists may be too “comfortable with opinionated reportage,” which would “be very detrimental.” He urged editors and producers to address the issue, warning that otherwise conservatives will be “lost” and “we need journalism, which is so clear and conscientious that the left and the right can find a credible place to believe they’re getting the straight story. If you don’t have that, it’s over.”

Dan Abrams, chief legal analyst for an ABC News and owner of Mediaite, echoed Sauter, asserting journalists must acknowledge the problem: “I think that the first thing that would help...is to admit exactly what Van is saying which is that the media and the people in the media are left of center.”
