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CNN: Memes are Russian Ops

The Left Hates Memes: Russian Disinformation Plot

The left has lost it more than usual. Did they forget what happened the last time they tried to spark a meme war with Conservatives? They were humiliated. I was reading through Newsbusters.org and came across this gem.

Nicholas Fondacaro writes:

In praising his New York Times guest, Taylor Lorenz for her work writing about the “Meme Wars,” Avlon made his outlandish claim. “And this, for folks who don’t know, is the new, new thing that's going to be really driving a lot of narratives and conversation and voter suppression efforts to some extent in this upcoming election,” he proclaimed without evidence.

After having to explain what a meme was to the audience, Lorenz moved on the denouncing them a particularly subversive form of evil spawned by Russia. “Well, memes use humor to introduce new ideas and often these ideas can be very insidious and problematic. Memes in 2016 were used throughout Facebook to spread misinformation. So, you know, basically Russian interference,” she declared.

Read the sourced article here