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CNN Hacks Indignant after Trump’s Personnel Chief Tells Agency Heads to be ‘On the Lookout’ for Disloyal Staffers

CNN reports that President Trump’s new head of personnel, John McEntee, held a meeting on Friday and told agency heads to be “on the lookout” for disloyal staffers. CNN’s Jim Acosta told colleague Brooke Baldwin he doesn’t think this will work out well for McEntee and worries about those who may be ‘unfairly targeted.’

Political analyst Max Boot, who doesn’t understand why Trump is still in office after all the hard work he (Max Boot) has done, told Baldwin:
I think what it means is to get rid of anybody who dares to challenge Trump, especially when the President does something that is unethical or illegal. Clearly, the President does not want to be impeached again. And the way he wants to avoid impeachment is not by avoiding impropriety that might deserve impeachment, but by getting rid of anybody who might blow the whistle on his offenses…And now he’s going through the institutions and making a purge…This is something that normally happens in authoritarian regimes…

Brett Bruen, the Director of Global Engagement during the Obama Administration, noted that this is having a chilling effect. “We’re talking about speaking truth to Trump. Trump doesn’t want to hear it.” He thinks, “we will see a paralysis in the government. No one will want to make a decision. No one will want to pass on reports of threats that could spark the ire of President Trump.”

Baldwin sums it up by saying this President is putting his political and personal needs ahead of this country’s well-being.”

Boot agrees and said “the message the President is sending is that he does not want the intelligence community defending America against Russian attacks on our election.”

Actually, Max, you’re just peeved that we’re onto you. The Russians’ interference in our elections is nothing compared to the interference from the Democratic Party and the media.

None of them will state the obvious which is that this will make it harder for Democrats and the media to carry out their treachery against Trump. The flow of information, the leaks, coming out of the White House will be greatly reduced. A smaller number of “resisters” working to undermine or thwart the President’s agenda from the inside, will make it easier to implement plans of action and to achieve the administration’s goals.

Last week, The Epoch Times’ Jeff Carlson posted a fascinating text message thread about the plan by President Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, to methodically pack the Department of Justice with as many Democrats as possible by the end of the Obama Administration. According to Carlson, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch continued this policy following Holder’s departure. Upon Trump’s inauguration, Democrats represented about 90% of all DOJ personnel. This is corroborated by a Washington Times article which reported that, among DOJ employees, donations to Democratic campaigns outnumbered those to Republicans by a ratio of 20 to 1. I posted about Carlson’s thread here.

Why would Obama limit the implementation of such a brilliant strategy to the DOJ? From what we know of the State Department, an agency first run by Hillary Clinton, and then by John Kerry, it was probably carried out there as well.

We know the National Security Council was full of Obama holdovers. The leaks coming out of the NSC have been prolific. The size of the NSC nearly doubled during the Obama Administration to well over 200 staffers and, until recently, has remained there. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien has made it his mission to bring that number down to more traditional levels.

I would bet that some form of the Obama/Holder strategy was present in all or most federal agencies during the Obama years.

This would explain how the deep state was able to carry out hoax after hoax against President Trump. They were (mostly) all in on it.

Each agency chief should appoint direct managers to go through their departments to weed out as many Obama holdovers as possible.

CIA official Eric Ciaramella, alleged to be the whistleblower, should be the first one to be shown the door. ‘Heck, we didn’t know he was the whistleblower. Not even Adam Schiff knew.’ And next Michael Atkinson, the Inspector General who received (and promoted) the whistleblower’s complaint.

The party’s over.