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What Does The Future Hold?

Sometimes I wonder about incidents in society which can be attributed to bad decisions by societal leaders.

This morning we have another possible shooting at a military base in Florida. Daily we could read about shootings in our cities by young men of color over gang related activities. We see where a jilted young man has killed his ex-girlfriend.

Obviously these actions are actions of passion or misguided passion of grief or anger. But why are they happening which seems to be more and more in society.

In the 1980's, the self-esteem movement became a hot topic for motivational speakers and almost a book genre unto itself. 

In 1986, California even established a self-esteem “State Task Force.” 

Federal education agencies pushed the self-esteem movement into schools where how children felt about themselves was more important than actual accomplishments.

What has this created?

39 years later we see young people sitting on a sidewalk screaming at the sky because their candidate lost an election:

Listen close;y to the nonsense of this young woman. How did she get this pathetic?

Colleges demand "hate speech" be defined as anything they disagree with. 

Listen closely to what these children define as "Hate Speech" - Insane.

So now we have had 30 plus years of teaching children life is unfair, their feelings trump reality and that everything they feel is justified or should justify their actions. 

How do we change this?

Can we?

What does the "snowflake generation" bode for the future?

I am 65 years old, my parents taught me to be tough, accept responsibility and to remember I controlled my fate.

I fear for America, I watch my children teach my grandchildren the things their parents taught them and I see children who can handle life or whatever life will throw at them.

But for everyone of these children, our society is turning out perhaps 5 to 10 who are crushed by seemingly minor failures.

Will this bring about a change in society or will it destroy America as we know it?

Time will tell. But meanwhile, children die in our cities because they are angry and have access to illegal weapons to channel their bruised egos.

What say you?