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No Malarkey Tour Spreads Malarkey

Creepy Uncle Joe is asked a difficult questions and calls the guy a Damn Liar!  Guess the No Malarkey Tour hits a snag!

The question is did you set up your son in Burimsa?

Biden's answer, You watch too much TV!, I challenge you to a Push Up contest, you are fat!

OMG!  This is as amusing as Tide Pod Nancy trying to convince people the Impeachment Circus is about protecting America from Trump!

When the guy says he isn't voting for Creepy Uncle Joe, Biden says your too old to vote for me anyway! HUH?

Democrats plan on solidifying behind Creepy Uncle Joe because they believe he can beat Trump. They think Blacks will support Creepy Uncle Joe because it helps extend the Obama Legacy.  Really?

Sorry folks, if Creepy Uncle Joe can't handle questions from an 83 year old farmer in Iowa, what will he do when Trump tears him a new asshole?