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The C-word was invented for Pam Karlan

Did Jerry Nadler really think this bitter, angry fishwife would make a good impeachment “witness?” She was, but certainly not for the Democrats.

I rarely if ever use the C-word.  That’s in part because it is so often deployed by Leftist men against gals like me.  I’ve been called the C-word so many times, it’s lost all meaning for me.

Like “racist,” overuse of the C-word saps it of its meaning.

Besides, there are so many wonderful words in the English language that work just as well.

Battle-ax, crone, fishwife, harpy, shrew, hag, scold – the beauty of the King’s English is its endless possibilities.  Why put all your rhetorical eggs in the C-word basket?

But every now and then a woman comes along that makes you say, “Now THAT hag is a see-you-en-tee!”

And yesterday America was introduced to such a hag, Stanford professor Pam Karlan.  The C-word was invented for just such a shrew.

I don’t know why Jerry Nadler thought this bitter, angry fishwife would make a good impeachment “witness.”  You’d have to live inside the DC bubble to think leaving your impeachment dreams in the hands of Trump-deranged Angry BroadTM was a good idea.

“Say, those screaming harpies who crashed the Kavanaugh hearings were so terrific, let’s get one of them to testify in our impeachment inquiry!”

Who thinks that way?

She was one smug, caustic C-word.

Remember when I wrote about that crazy hag who penned an editorial in the Washington Post about screaming at her husband for thirty minutes after Kavanaugh was confirmed?
(If you don’t, go HERE and read it)

Initially when I read that woman’s screed, the face I pictured was Harcourt Fenton Mudd’s shrew of a wife Stella (Trekkies will get that).

But now, it is Pam Karlan’s face I see.

The finger-pointing, the angry scowl – truth is, Karlan is the real-life embodiment of Stella Mudd.

the C-word as Stella Mudd
If Nancy and the Democrats want Americans to believe this impeachment inquiry is “prayerful” and “difficult,” then inviting this condescending C-word to scold and snark and burp out Trump-hatred for hours on end was not the way to get there.

Her snotty “joke” about the President’s thirteen-year-old son didn’t surprise me in the least.  This C-word knew she was among likeminded Trump-haters.  She knew she could say any rancid, petty thing that stomped through her lizard brain and they wouldn’t mind one bit.  Hell, they’d even laugh.

When I saw the clip of her petty “joke,” I smiled – not because the “joke” was remotely humorous.  Humor requires a smidgen of truth.

No. I smiled because unleashing this C-word before a television audience to burp out ugliness and bile was going to so backfire on the Democrats.

And they’re the morons who invited her there!

This is not putting your best foot forward, Democrats.

Pam Karlan was a disastrous “witness.”  She singlehandedly showed the American people that this is not a thoughtful (or prayerful) deliberative process. It is nothing more than a partisan hate-fest.

And, hey. Most of us already knew it.

But that C-word really hammered it home.

She also served as a glaring reminder that colleges and universities are filled with unhinged radical blowhards who really have no business “educating” anyone, let alone preparing future lawyers.

So thanks, Democrats.  Thanks for parading this C-word before the nation.

You deserve all the blowback you’re going to get.