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Stroke my leg hair!

Only a pervy creep like Joe Biden would think it’s a good idea to recount how children like to rub his leg hair and sit on his lap.

Have you seen the video of then-VP Joe Biden prattling on about how the little kids liked to rub his leg hair and sit on his lap?

Apparently this queasy-making clip is from the same “speech” where old Joe recounted his tough-guy moment with a gang member named Corn Pop.

This clip made the rounds on social media this weekend and the whole leg hair thing had me reaching for an airsick bag.

If you think that clip is bad, just wait until you see this one.

Someone actually took the audio of Leg Hair Joe and used it in a cartoon.

I can’t even.

Do you suppose Alyssa Milano has to chase her son out of the room when Joe Biden talks about kids rubbing his leg hair?

But this is Joe.  He’s always been this way.

And he ain’t gonna change.  No matter how many “I realize social norms have changed” videos he makes.

In fact, not two months after his “I get it” video, Joe was right back to nuzzling a little girl on the campaign trail. On the plus side, he didn’t ask her to stroke his leg hair.

But this is the Great Hairy Hope of the Democrat Party.  This is the guy they believe is their best chance to defeat Donald Trump.

What does it say about the rest of the 2020 Democrat field that Hairy Leg Joe is the best the DNC has to offer?

I think his Malarkey bus needs a make-over.