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Identity Politics Force Liberals To Call Themselves Racists

Woman of color Kamala Harris announced she is dropping out of the 2020 race and the general consensus on the left is that she was forced out by racism. Keep in mind that Harris had only been participating in the democratic party primary, so if she’s done because of racism it’s the Democrats who are racist. 

“Racist” Republicans didn’t force her out. “Racist” Independents didn’t force her out. 

All of Liberaldom is accusing themselves of racism and they don’t even know it, which is the absolute funniest thing about Harris’ hilarious failure. Let’s get started with the left’s complete lack of self-awareness by checking out MSNBC:

Source: http://theboldconservative.eu5.net/2019/12/04/kamala-harris-failed-campaign-has-liberals-accusing-themselves-of-racism/

To date Liberals everywhere are pushing for a 77 year old white guy with Dementia to be their candidate!

Who are the top 5 candidates running in the Democratic Primary?

Creepy Uncle Joe Biden - 77 year old white guy who suffers from dementia.

Petey " I love Man Sausage" Buttdigger - a 40 something white sausage swallower. 

Elizabeth "Liawatha" Warren - 70 year old white woman who is a pathological liar.

Bernie "I love Stalin" Sanders - 78 year old white communist who wants America to be the new Soviet Union.

Where are the Blacks and Hispanics?  Well they are in last place of course!

Hmmmm..... maybe the Democrats and their sycophantic followers really are racists!  


I hear that Kamala "I go down for Opportunities"has called Willie Brown to see if the space under his desk has been filled. I wonder if Creepy Uncle Joe has called the Black Hand Puppet to inquire the same?