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The Democrat candidates are all thoroughly inept at foreign affairs

A thread written by @TheLastRefuge2

1) I have never seen a group of democrat presidential candidates so thoroughly inept on foreign affairs in the history of Democrat presidential primaries. 
2) The number one way to diminish the influence of Vladimir Putin and/or Russia is to drive down the cost of global energy; specifically oil prices.

Two-thirds of Russia's economy is contingent on the price of oil. Take away their money, and you take away their influence. 
3) The number one way to diminish the influence of Iran, is to do the same thing as you are doing to Russia.

Both Russia and Iran depend on oil to maintain their influence. That is the BIG PICTURE purpose behind their strategic alliance.

Why do you think Iran attacks oil? 
4) Having said that, and knowing the illicit goals of Russia and Iran are to drive *UP* oil prices to maintain their influence..... It makes strategic sense to assist Saudi Arabia and their oil field security, all the while keeping U.S. energy production at peak capacity. 
5) Simultaneously, this global approach toward maximum oil production, and lowest possible price, hits Venezuela and all other state-owned actors who rely on the same control mechanisms.

This process breaks their economic grip and weakens their economic alliance. 
6) Once this containment is achieved, and while this process is ongoing, then it becomes possible to turn attention to the next biggest issue, CHINA. 
7) Unlike Russia, Iran and crew, China's wealth -and subsequent influence- comes from a totally different source.

China derives global influence from the money they make from their purposeful manufacturing base. 
8) So what nations fuel China's economic power?

Unfortunately, the USA is their biggest source of income.

So what needs to be done?

Fracture the U.S. dependency on Chinese goods. 
9) Sound familiar? 
10) As you achieve success in diminishing the Chinese industrial strength - you begin to empty their vaults of the dollars they have become dependent upon to maintain their influence. 
11) China then cannot afford to continue their own industrial purchases.

Beijing starts withdrawing from purchases on a global scale.

Economies that have grown dependent on Chinese purchases start to suffer. 
12) Wall Street calls this global weakness, a global recession.... 
13) Simultaneously, you must emphasize a position of benefit to those potential economic allies who can step-in and replace China. Economies that can benefit from a global supply chain shift.

14) New economic alliances begin to form as new countries begin to understand the larger implications and the larger goals.

Over time, they begin to see the opportunity being created. 
15) China starts lashing out....

Beijing falls back on their historic approaches. 
16) But you already anticipated that long before you even began....

...back when globally people didn't understand exactly why you were doing the things you were doing. 
17) There's nothing to worry about from the traditionally cunning Beijing maneuver.

There's a pot-o-gold at the end.... and an understanding.

No need to talk about it. 
18) Panda cannot feed itself. You know this provides leverage.

Another ally can be really important... a safety measure so to speak. The #2 most productive economy for the #1 most valuable panda food.... 
19) Insurance policy constructed. 
20) Back to the primary task....

No-one paying attention to the BIG Picture. 
21) This my MAGA friends is how you use economic weapons instead of military ones.

This is a foreign policy that is far, far more effective than any before it.

This is a foreign policy that circles the globe.... by using what makes the world go 'round. 
22) However, the biggest benefit to this foreign policy is the domestic ramifications.

As America Comes First, on the economic front incredible things happen that few pundits can explain. 
23) This level of foreign policy execution is what Makes America Great... to the considerable angst of others. 
24) Lucky Day. Lucky Day.

Simply the best vote I will ever cast in my lifetime.

Today is Day #1,000 of the Trump presidency.