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LeBron Zedong James

When fighting for “Justice” gets in the way of making millions, well, “Justice” can go straight to hell.

I think we’ve already established that LeBron Zedong James isn’t a genius.  So I doubt anybody was expecting a genius take from him with regard to Hong Kong or China.

Though I’m sure those who praised LeBron Zedong James’ “courageous” stand against President Trump are the teeniest bit surprised that he doesn’t have the courage to stand up to an actual tyrannical regime that oppresses and slaughters its people.

There’s nothing like having this gomer tell us who is and isn’t educated.

But he does that a lot. 

In fact — as I pointed out in September 2017 — LeBron Zedong offered this genius take on Trump voters:

“I don’t think a lot of people was educated. And I think that’s one of the biggest problem s we have. When it becomes vote time, people are just not educated on either the individual or what’s going on in the state of the world right now.”

As grammatically cringeworthy as that statement is, turns LeBron Zedong was right.

Some people aren’t educated about “what’s going on in the state of the world right now.”

And one of those people is LeBron himself.

I’d say all of it is “performative wokeness.”

And it’s all about the money.

Pretending to stand up to tyranny when said “tyranny” is Donald Trump is easy because it costs them nothing and affords them praise and celebration in the American media.

Plus, since Trump is not, in fact, a tyrant, there is no actual threat or danger to yourself in pretending you’re “standing up” to tyranny.

But when standing up for “justice” and against actual tyranny threatens your bank balance, hey, what’s a few million “bodies smashed and bones ground to powder?”

Yeah. That tweet didn’t age well at all, did it?

Let LeBron Zedong flounder in this hell of his own making. He won’t learn a damn thing. Because at the end of the day, his allegiance isn’t with China; it  isn’t with America. And it certainly isn’t with “Justice.”

His only allegiance is to his bank account.