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Democrats Denounce President Trump For Ending Syrian War They Never Authorized

The level of political nonsense today from the House of Representatives is off-the-charts.  Speaker Pelosi calls a resolution to the House floor to denounce President Trump for removing 28 troops from a foreign war never authorized by the same House.

If Pelosi wants to have a war with Syria, then declare one.  Or, Pelosi could call a resolution to the House floor to condemn Turkish President Erdogan for invading Syria. Instead, the House votes to denounce President Trump for getting our military out of the way.   The Democrats are the party of war, and a whole bunch of republicans are supporting them.  Why?  Simply, because war is a big business from K-Street. 

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Steny Hoyer walk out of a meeting with President Trump because, according to them, the president called the speaker a “third-rate politician”. Speaker Pelosi replied “I wish you were a politician”…. How typical is that?