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Officials Admit Biden Regime Denied Security Requests by Agents Assigned to Protect Donald Trump

The biggest question inside the investigation of the Trump assassination attempt, is the thing no one has mentioned.  Why have there been no daily press briefings?

♦ Where are the official 10:00am press briefing updates every day on the investigation?

♦ Where are the official press conferences from the Secret Service, FBI and law enforcement answering questions and providing information from the prior days investigative results?

♦ Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people know what has been found out about the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump?

The absence of official press briefings has been the dog that didn’t bark.

Instead, the Secret Service, FBI and Law Enforcement have been selectively leaking details, testing what would be and would not be accepted, and we have only seen controlled snippets of information.

Much of the information within those leaks has been lies, sometimes absurd in their construct, pushed through a generally incurious media.

Smart people have noted the absence of the official public information process indicates something very sketchy in the background. [ie. the dog that didn’t bark]

The attempted assassination of President Trump is a big deal; perhaps one of the biggest events in recent history. There is massive public interest.

If ordinary procedures and protocols were being followed, we would have official daily updates at scheduled press conferences, and the media would be able to present questions based on presented information.  The absence of these press briefings told us something that is not good.  But perhaps today, we find out why.

The Washington Post is now running a story saying Secret Service security requests were repeatedly denied by top government officials.

(WaPo) – The Washington Post – Top officials at the U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied requests for additional resources and personnel sought by Donald Trump’s security detail in the two years leading up to his attempted assassination at a rally in Pennsylvania last Saturday, according to four people familiar with the requests.

Agents charged with protecting the former president requested magnetometers and more agents to screen attendees at sporting events and other large public gatherings Trump attended, as well as additional snipers and specialty teams at other outdoor events, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive security discussions. The requests, which have not been previously reported, were sometimes denied by senior officials at the agency, who cited various reasons, including a lack of resources at an agency that has long struggled with staffing shortages, they said.

Those rejections — in response to requests that were several times made in writing — led to long-standing tensions that pitted Trump, his top aides and his security detail against Secret Service leadership, as Trump advisers privately fretted that the vaunted security agency was not doing enough to protect the former president.

The Secret Service, after initially denying turning down requests for additional security, is now acknowledging some may have been rejected. The revelation comes as agency veterans say the organization has been forced to make difficult decisions amid competing demands, a growing list of protectees and limited funding.

[…] “The assertion that a member of the former president’s security team requested additional security resources that the U.S. Secret Service or the Department of Homeland Security rebuffed is absolutely false,” said Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Secret Service, in a statement on the day after the shooting.

[…] After receiving detailed questions from The Washington Post, Guglielmi said the agency had learned new information indicating the agency’s headquarters may have in fact denied some requests for additional security from Trump’s detail and was reviewing documentation to understand the specific interactions better.

“The Secret Service has a vast, challenging, and intricate mission,” he said in a statement. “Every day we work in a dynamic threat environment to ensure our protectees are safe and secure across multiple events, travel, and other difficult environments. We execute a comprehensive and layered strategy to balance personnel, technology, and specialized operational needs.” (read more)

Keep in mind this is coming from the Washington Post, so that means someone inside government (IC silo) gave WaPo documentary evidence of denied security requests.  WaPo then questions Secret Service.  Caught in their prior lies, the Secret Service now backtracks.

This is sketchy as f**k on many levels!

First, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is gone.  This article alone gets rid of her, and she’ll likely resign before the banks open Monday.

Second, the Intelligence Community (IC) likely knows congress was given information about denied Secret Service requests.  In advance of any congressional hearings which would have been explosive if the gotcha ‘lying’ moment was with officials, the IC is now trying to protect their interests regardless of who in the administration gets hurt.

Third, this report gives media authorization to target Joe Biden as collateral damage. An ancillary benefit for the interests of a self-preservation IC angle.  Did Joe Biden know his administration was denying security requests, if so…. Biden has blood on his hands.  That’s the angle now open for media.

The Washington Post doesn’t provide this report without various DC silo offices benefiting from it.

The absence of the dogs’ bark should now get attention.

OFFICIAL STORY THUS FAR – In addition to bringing explosives, a detonator, a range finder, a backpack and an AR15 rifle to the rally, while finding a way to sit atop the counter-sniper position, the 20-year-old without a social media footprint apparently had air superiority via drones.