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Lib Pundit Pushes for Hillary Clinton to Replace Biden on Democrat Ticket

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

I’ve argued previously that former first lady and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would like one more bite at the apple, and as Biden’s reelection candidacy implodes, her name has popped up once again. Frankly, I’m surprised it’s taken this long.

The Hill opinion contributor Pablo O’Hana thinks Rodham Clinton is just the woman who can save the president’s chances:

“But who?”  

The strongest argument against replacing President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee is the notion that no suitable successor exists. But there is, and not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office: Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

For what feels like longer than two weeks, we have publicly and endlessly debated about Biden’s candidacy. Democrats have repeatedly called on him to make a decision. It is damaging, divisive and only serves to further improve Donald Trump’s chances. I have ferociously defended Biden in the past and demanded that Democrats fall in line behind our guy, but we need to put the debate to bed. If Biden is to yield the arena, we must consider why Clinton is not just a fitting champion to take up the mantle, but perhaps the mightiest of all. 

"The mightiest of all." Trump beat her in 2016 despite being vastly outspent; what makes this writer think Hillary could pull off a win now after three-and-a-half years of Democratic failure emanating from the Oval Office?

Trump senior advisor Jason Miller couldn’t contain his laughter:

But O’Hana was undeterred:

Let’s get this out of the way first: Clinton is younger than both Biden and Trump. Given the current furor over age, this is not a trivial fact; energy and stamina are equated with capability.  

Yes, but she’s also exhibited concerning health issues. Remember when she appeared to faint getting into a van in 2016 at a 9/11 memorial?

Health problems, the unlikability factor, and Hillary's past failures don't matter to O’Hana.

Clinton is a ready-made replacement. She possesses an unparalleled resume and an unmatched depth of experience. She has consistently redefined the roles she has served, from secretary of State and U.S. senator to first lady and Children’s Defense Fund attorney. Her extensive background in domestic and international affairs is not just impressive; at a time when global politics are increasingly volatile and complex, her experience is priceless. Her continued advocacy for children’s rights and health care—a topic of ever-increasing importance post-pandemic—adds another layer of appeal. 

O’Hana goes on, but I bet you’ve had enough (I most certainly have). He describes one of the most off-putting politicians of all time as some sort of Goddess, but if Hillary couldn’t beat Trump when she was virtually handed the presidency by Barack Obama, what chance would she have now? Very little is my guess.

As I said, I’ve been surprised her name hasn’t been promoted more since Biden’s epic debate disaster. Is this writer’s call for Shrillary a one-off, or will we see more of this? My bet is that Team Clinton is working overtime trying to create a “draft Hillary” movement.