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W³P Open Thread: We Haven't Open Threaded in Forever Edition

What a crazy week. Culture war ... insanity. Government ... more insanity. Trolls ... well, they try their best, but we aren't giving out participation trophies here. International geopolitical posturing ... wtf does that even mean? Insanity. That's what it means today. I forgot the point I was going to make when I started this paragraph, but I'm not letting that stop me. We're having an Open Thread today, dadgummit. We've trolled the trolls, made the obligatory internet weed jokes for 4/20, fixed every political problem in the world, shared a sufficient number of cat memes, but we have failed in one area ... sharing music and having weekly Open Threads. I promise you that moving forward I will still fail to post weekly Open Threads. And I really mean it, so hold me to it. I also promise that some time in the future we will have another installment of our weekly non-weekly open thing where we say stuff, hang out and do whatever.

Now I know that the other day I said that I would make like Psaki and circle back to the weed post yesterday ... but I forgot.

Here's a video about food and some random reddit stuff. Be entertained by it.

Yesterday was 4/20, the big day for tokers everywhere ... even the ones about to get busted by their Mom. LOL

And we'll bring it home with some good 'old Dad stuff.




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