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Lawyer for Hunter Biden Whistleblower Gives Major Confirmation About Documental Evidence

Lawyer for Hunter Biden Whistleblower Gives Major Confirmation About Documental Evidence

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

As RedState reported, a whistleblower from within the IRS blew the doors off the investigation into Hunter Biden, confirming that political considerations and conflicts of interest have tainted the process. The whistleblower, a supervisor in the IRS criminal division, has been overseeing the probe of the president’s son and is asking for congressional protections to tell his story.

According to a new report, though, it’s not just the whistleblower’s word that is bolstering his complaint. He also has documents proving that a senior political appointee of the Biden administration was in the middle of this and committed perjury.

That senior political appointee is reportedly AG Merrick Garland, who has long protected the Biden Family in other ways. If the documents mentioned by the lawyer exist, this could become the biggest political scandal in modern history. It would dwarf Watergate and make any of the nonsense ginned up against Donald Trump seem quaint in comparison.

Congressional Republicans will no doubt rush to offer whistleblower protections in this case, and I don’t believe even the mainstream press has the sway to bury this. As they say, the cover-up is often worse than the crime. Even if Joe Biden isn’t directly implicated in his son’s corrupt, probably illegal dealings, this attempted cover-up and influence operation could sink the current president. That would be just.

This is a developing story and RedState will provide updates as they come.