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WH Leaks to WaPo That Biden Will Announce 2024 Run Next Week

WH Leaks to WaPo That Biden Will Announce 2024 Run Next Week

Becca Lower reporting for Redstate 

Now it appears there’s an answer to the question: “Will Joe Biden run in 2024 or not?”

Friday afternoon, the Washington Post published a story leaked by sources inside the White House who say President Joe Biden will announce his reelection bid next week. Probably. And things are already in motion, with new ads by the progressive super PAC American Bridge 21st Century already starting to air in North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.


President Biden and his team are preparing to announce his reelection campaign next week, with aides finalizing plans to release a video for the president to officially launch his campaign, according to three people briefed on the plans.

Biden and his aides have targeted Tuesday for the release of the video to coincide with the four-year anniversary of his 2020 campaign launch. The people briefed on the plans, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations, cautioned that the official announcement could be delayed.

We’ll find out if there’s a delay, once Tuesday gets here. But even if it happens another day/week, the sources tell WaPo the announcement will be followed up with a “donor summit” with Biden attending in person. Donors already started receiving invitations Wednesday:

On the heels of the planned announcement, Biden will meet with top Democratic donors in Washington at the end of next week. Biden’s team has invited roughly 50 to 100 of the party’s top fundraisers and bundlers to a Friday night event with the president, with the goal of energizing contributors and rallying support.

The details of the donor summit are still being finalized, but one option is for Biden to have dinner with the donors on Friday night and his aides to host a briefing for them Saturday.

Invitations to the event were circulated Wednesday by phone call from officials at the DNC, which has been preparing for months for the campaign.


There was no comment from either White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on behalf of Team Biden or the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The White House declined to comment. “What I will say is that any announcement or anything that is related to 2024 certainly will not come from here,” Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, said Thursday, referring to rules prohibiting government agencies from campaign activity.

A spokesperson for the DNC also declined to comment.

Here’s one last tidbit from the Washington Post piece that shows — despite the Left’s professed insistence that they desire to represent unity and diversity — just how committed the other side is to that concept. They’d like their base to forget the presence of (so far) two Democrat presidential candidates for 2024. Admittedly, one of them, who announced her run for the White House in March, is named Marianne Williamson. But the other, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., not only has a certain level of name ID, but seems to be polling well with self-identifying Biden voters. Maybe it’s not so much of a surprise then, that the Democrats don’t plan to hold any primary debates, as the publication reports.