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On the Razor’s Edge

The world is at immediate risk, but not from global warming. Unless we change course it will end poorly for every living thing on the planet.

The planet faces an existential threat. If we don’t act soon, and with great effort, all may be lost. The point of no return is racing toward us at breakneck speed.

Action is required today, not just talk.

But this apocalypse is not the one we’ve been warned about—the rise in global temperatures by a measly half degree—but rather the complete and total abandonment of logic, reason, and reality in huge swaths of our collective lives.

Like children born into great affluence, many seem to believe the incredible wealth, freedom, tolerance and peace we live with—unique in the annals of all human history—is just the way things are. It just “happened” because of the inevitable march of progress and isn’t rooted in any special system design or way of thinking. They think we can’t go back.

What’s more, it is our right to live this way—ours by our very existence. Somehow, we—at least some of us with the correct thoughts—have turned a corner in human history. We are better than those who came before us, and at a very fundamental level—morally, intellectually, spiritually just better than those unwashed, bigoted rubes who came before us.

Some have called this a period of untruth; a willful casting aside of that pesky thing called  reality. Becoming unmoored from reality allows insane ideas to spread and propagate, putting all life on the planet in jeopardy.

The genius design of our Constitution is now seen by many not as the driver of the freest, most prosperous nation the world has ever seen but rather as a hindrance to their hopes of remaking the country into a socialist utopia.

Many now act as though the powerful nonprofit organizations we call government are actual, physical things with almost god-like powers. Since the abandonment of the constitutional limits on government activity over a hundred years ago, we have seen an explosion in its size, scope, and cost—with no slow down, let alone end in sight. 

Yet almost every problem in the country can be traced back to these entities. 

Many have embraced disproven economic systems, systems which have never worked in all history. Never has a country taxed and spent its way to prosperity. Some things work better than others—we accept this in many areas of our lives but seem to believe wishes and dreams reign supreme when it comes to politics and economics.

Many are re-embracing the ancient evil of tribalism. Multi-generational guilt is now accepted by many—effectively branding individuals permanent oppressors and oppressed based on the supposed actions of ancestors long past. And the core of this thinking is a widespread acceptance of the supposed inherent inferiority of minorities—specifically blacks.

By definition tribal thinking requires an “us versus them” mindset. It has never driven peace in any place it has existed.

Today, government is taking active steps to drive the country into a recession—all to “fight” the inflation which was also caused by the government.

Culture wars? Pick your issue and follow its progress and you will find government fingerprints all over the carnage. Free people freely interacting with other free people can—and do—work these things out themselves. Government just creates division—some say as a planned strategy to maximize the power of those running the government.

Driven solely by government, our country is almost $31 trillion in debt, growing at more than $45,000 per second with no end in sight. 

Few people on the planet have any real grasp of how big a number a trillion is. The entire universe and everything in it went from an explosion of nothingness to today in only 13.8 billion years. Our debt is well over 100 times larger than that.

Unless one believes in magic, there is no way to see how this ends well for the average citizen.

And it seems this unmoored insanity knows no bounds. Now we are told men can get pregnant, women can “become” men simply by taking hormones, and supposedly intelligent people can’t tell you what a female is. Physically and chemically mutilating young children is promoted by many—may God have mercy on their souls.

Global warming might be an issue but notice how all the “acceptable” solutions substantially grow an already bloated U.S. and world government and involve taking huge amounts of money and power from individual citizens.

Yes, we are on a razor’s edge. The world is at immediate risk, but not from global warming, and unless we change course it will end poorly for every living thing on the planet.