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Trump Administration Gave Eco Health Alliance Over One Hundred Million Dollars

 Remember back in 2020 Trump said he'd "end that grant very quickly" that was going to Eco Health Alliance? https://www.statnews.com/2020/08/27/nih-awards-grant-to-ecohealth-alliance-months-after-uproar-over-political-interference/ The article states that the $7.5 million grant was cancelled in April of that year but records brought forth last year shows that the Trump administration makes what was given to EHA under Obama pale in comparison to what the Trump administration gave EHA. Obama through the Defense Threat Reduction Agency gave EHA $8,793,308.00 and another $2,942,019 is listed as coming from the Department of Defense for a total of $11,735,327 dollars. Trump through the Defense Threat Reduction Agency gave EHA alliance $29,303,611.00, of which $1,360,002 came from within a department of the defense department known as Uniformed Services of The Health Sciences. Of that total $6,401,025.00 went to understanding the risk of bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence in Western Asia. If they'd received the other $7.5 million that would have totaled $13,901,025.00, but that is if the money was going directly to bat research. The grant was cancelled in 2020 but somehow EHA got over six million dollars for bat research during his term. The total sum the Trump administration found to give EHA during that four year period was $111,203,110.00, the article states "But federal grant data assembled by independent researchers shows that the charity has received more than $123 million from the government – from 2017 to 2020 - and that one of its biggest funders is the Department of Defense, funneling almost $39 million to the organization since 2013", to get to the hundred and twenty three figure they may have added DOD prior to 2017 as I don't come up with the one hundred twenty three million figure, I get the one hundred and eleven million figure.

So where did the rest of the $111,203,110.00 come from that didn't come from the Department of Defense or the Defense Threat Reduction Agency? Well as we learned during the debate over the border wall Trump loved to look at what he could pull from other areas. There was $64.7 million from the US Agency for International Development, $13 million from the Department of Health and Human Services, $2.3 million from the Department of Homeland Security and $2.6 million from National Science Foundation. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9652287/The-Pentagon-funneled-39million-charity-funded-Wuhan-lab.html

The rather odd thing I noticed was that despite Obama banning gain of function research the chart doesn't show that monies went to gain of function research or bat research in the chart. The ban actually came about because of lab leaks at the CDC.

"Critics of such work argue that it is unnecessarily dangerous and risks accidentally releasing viruses with pandemic potential — such as an engineered H5N1 influenza virus that easily spreads between ferrets breathing the same air1, 2. In 2012, such concerns prompted a global group of flu researchers to halt gain-of-function experiments for a year (see Nature http://doi.org/wgx; 2012). The debate reignited in July, after a series of lab accidents involving mishandled pathogens at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia.

The White House’s abrupt move seems to be a response to renewed lobbying by gain-of-function critics who wanted such work suspended and others who sought to evaluate its risks and benefits without disrupting existing research." 

As seen there's no indication that gain of function research on bats was going on during the Obama administration unless the word base as seen in the chart is some hidden code for gain of function research. We had the blankets in Ukraine debacle during the Obama administration so I am sure it's not totally out of the realm of possibilities things aren't as they appear. Despite that though we are talking a small sum of a few million compared to over one hundred million given under the Trump administration to EHA. Don't let it slip consideration that if Fauci was doing a blanket in Ukraine type scenario under Obama that it's feasible he did so under Trump so maybe more than just six million plus went to bat research. It's just the total sum given during one administration to another even in regards to just the six million plus that went to bat research. You have to remember Trump was combing through the budgets and trying to take money from where ever he could for the border wall, particularly the defense budget. So you really have to ask yourself why he wasn't questioning over one hundred million dollars, a sum never given or come close to before to EHA, wasn't noticed and questioned.

We are suppose to believe that the defense department and Fauci together was giving over a hundred million dollars to EHA and Trump never once noticed it while scouring over the budgets looking for money for the border wall. As we can see in the article linked above Josh Rogan makes Fauci out as a rat running around behind the presidents back conspiring with the department of defense to give an organization that normally got a few million dollars in grants each year over a hundred million dollars in just four years but Trump was totally oblivious to what was going on. Furthermore considering it was brought to Trumps attention in early 2020 that monies were being funneled through EHA for gain of function research in bats in China but he never noticed passed the seven point five million he cancelled to them that it continued? He never thought to ask the department of defense why they were giving millions to EHA?

Technically this could have been a real draining of the swamp moment for Trump. Once he looked into the $7.5 million "it will end very quickly" and saw the millions being funneled to EHA during his tenure he could have broke the story wide open on how the deep state had been running around behind his back giving EHA alliance historical amounts of money never seen before. In his usual flare he could have stood before the people and announced we may have a Fauci blankets in Ukraine moment going on here....but he didn't, that's because we know who it was who liked to scour the budget looking for border wall money. That's because he knew EHA was getting this money. That's because this is Trump's blankets in Ukraine moment, not Fauci, not the defense department, Trumps. There's just no way of explaining himself out of this one, no one else to deflect upon but himself, if he wasn't so fanatic about the border wall and where to come up with the money it might be different but there's just no way he didn't ask who is EHA and why are we giving them over one hundred million dollars I could be using for my border wall. Seriously, ask yourself how is that under one administration in a four year period gave over eleven million dollars to EHA and exactly what changed to justify giving that same organization over one hundred and eleven million dollars in a four year period?