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Think You Know What A Woman Is?

Think You Know What A Woman Is? 

USA Today Says 'Science' Should Make You Think Again

Chuck Burton

More and more people are catching on every day: the simplest way to explode the entire transgender fantasy that the social media giants are trying to force us to accept is to ask, “What is a woman?” The answer has been obvious to all human beings since the dawn of time, but those who would have us believe that men can be women and women can be men can’t give a biological answer, as that is what they’re trying to subvert, and any other answer they give founders on biology. And so USA Today, trying to shore up Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s disastrous claim not to be able to define what a woman is since she is not a biologist, has proclaimed in a Thursday article that according to the Left’s great god, “Science,” there is “no simple answer” to the question of what is a woman.

Predictably, the article is a big load of hooey, or as Leftists like to call it (and indeed, as it is called in this very USA Today article), “nuance.” One of the representatives of “Science” who is quoted is Rebecca Jordan-Young, who is identified as “a scientist and gender studies scholar at Barnard College.” When you’re getting hooey straight from Barnard College, you know it’s the finest stuff available: the Left’s latest pet idea, all neatly wrapped up with a patina of intellectual respectability, the appearance of dispassionate thought, and the dismissal of the obvious with the claim that the reality is far more complicated than the simple-minded layman can understand.

Rebecca Jordan-Young knows more than you do: she knows that the simple and obvious biological answer is the wrong one: “Jordan-Young said she sees Jackson’s answer, particularly the second half, reflecting the necessity of nuance. While traditional notions of sex and gender suggest a simple binary –  if you are born with a penis, you are male and identify as a man and if you are born with a vagina, you are female and identify as a woman –  the reality, gender experts say, is more complex. ‘There isn’t one single ‘biological’ answer to the definition of a woman. There’s not even a singular biological answer to the question of ‘what is a female,’ Jordan-Young said.”

Actually, there was a single biological answer to the definition of a woman, and a singular biological answer to the question of what is a female, until it became fashionable on the Left to pretend that those answers were not clear, or were changeable. Those answers are still there for anyone who wants them, but USA Today, as a reliable organ of the Leftist establishment, is doing its best to obscure them and thereby prop up two of the Left’s sagging narratives: first, that Ketanji Brown Jackson is qualified to be a justice of the Supreme Court, and second, that gender is fluid and subject to change at will.

This USA Today piece is actually just one example of what the Left does to us all the time. Biden’s war on the domestic oil industry didn’t cause gas prices to skyrocket; these are “Putin’s price hikes.” There is no crisis at the border. The economy is booming, and job numbers are increasing. You can file these claims and others with “war is peace,” “freedom is slavery,” and “ignorance is strength,” the three Big Lies that the totalitarian regime in Orwell’s 1984 forced upon its people.

As Daniel Greenfield has pointed out1984 also features Obrien, the sinister government torturer, forcing Winston Smith, who has been imprisoned after beginning to think for himself and question the official lies, to affirm that 2 + 2 equals 5 if the government declares it so. This could, however, never happen in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Here, if you dare to think that men are men and women are women, and that this is an immutable biological fact such that one can never become the other, you won’t get tortured. All that will happen is that you’ll be banned from Twitter and declared “transphobic” and probably “racist” for good measure (just because everything is racist nowadays), and shunned in all polite company. You may lose your job. You may be held up for public ridicule. But we do not live in a totalitarian state! You will not be tortured!

USA Today is playing the role of Obrien, demanding that we Winston Smiths break with reality and agree that 2 + 2 equals 5. We must hold firm, our eyes clear, seeing what is and what isn’t, no matter what they threaten us with.