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The Measure of a Woman: Alia Dastagir is an Idiot.

The Measure of a Woman: 

Alia Dastagir is an Idiot.

The mainstream media largely ignored Judge Jackson’s refusal to say what a woman is in her hearing. Then USA Today lept to her defense with this gem. Included in it is this:

Scientists, gender law scholars and philosophers of biology said Jackson's response was commendable, though perhaps misleading. It's useful, they say, that Jackson suggested science could help answer Blackburn's question, but they note that a competent biologist would not be able to offer a definitive answer either. Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation. 

Just pay attention to the idiocy of Alia Dastagir particularly in that last sentence. She claims scientists believe there is “no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman,” but then claims there are billions of women on the planet.  How can she know? How can we know?  She says there are billions of women, but that scientists AGREE “there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman.”

This, of course, is post-modern bullcrap and I intentionally put Alia Dastagir’s name in the title and repeat it here because this sort of idiocy should follow her from job to job.

Consider, please, these headlines.

It is remarkable we can pull a 9,900 year old skeleton out of the crowd and determine it is a woman, but USA Today posits that scientists think it is impossible to do that with living human beings.

When the media is willing to peddle this sort of stuff to avoid offending progressives and the trans community, the media is no longer willing to tell the truth. They’ve become postmodern storytellers of the bat crap crazy.

Alia Dastagir and USA Today should be ashamed of themselves for showing more loyalty to advocacy groups than the truth. “Philosophers of biology” my ass.