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Tow Truck Operators Who Do Not Comply With PM Trudeau Orders to Remove Protest Trucks Will Be Subject to Arrest

The New York Times is reporting, “Tow-truck operators, who have been reluctant to cooperate with the police, will also now be compelled to work with law enforcement agencies to clear Ottawa’s streets and the border crossings at Coutts, Alberta. If they don’t cooperate, they could face arrest.” (link)

Meanwhile, the pontificating pustule of sanctimonious pomposity, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is doubling down on his position that in order to save democracy in Canada his administration must first destroy it:


Additionally, the Ottawa Police Chief, Peter Sloly, has resigned amid severe criticism from the far-left communists in Canada, because he did not crack down hard enough on the people demanding freedom from oppressive COVID mandates.

[…] Peter Sloly’s resignation as Ottawa police chief, which was confirmed by the minister of public safety, came after Mr. Trudeau took the rare step of declaring a national public order emergency aimed at stopping protests that have roiled Canada for weeks. (link)

The Minister of Public Safety and COVID Compliance says that Ottawa streets will soon be rid of the pesky commoners who think they are entitled to protest the COVID rules.  Those who do not willingly comply will join those previously arrested in reeducation facilities and jails.

CANADA – Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino sought to assure Ottawa residents Tuesday that the chaos in their city will soon end as local law enforcement, bolstered by the RCMP, works around the clock to restore order.

Empowered by the federal government’s move to invoke the Emergencies Act, police will soon establish “no-go” zones in the city’s downtown core to control unruly crowds associated with the anti-vaccine mandate convoy protest, the minister said. People who defy orders to leave, he added, will face fines or jail time, or both.

Mendicino said authorities will move with “great rapidity” to erect more concrete barriers and press private tow truck companies into removing the big rigs that have clogged Ottawa’s streets.

To starve protesters of the money that supports their activities, banks and financial institutions will stop the flow of funds to all convoy organizers, he said.  The government is also threatening to suspend corporate bank accounts and commercial licensing for truckers taking part in the convoy. (read more)

The Canadian government may indeed win the battle after they triggered the national Emergency War Measures Act.  However, all that has been seen cannot be unseen by a citizenry now witnessing the severity of their police state.  Prior to the freedom protest, the detention fences and government guard towers were invisible.  The rumors of their totalitarian state was scoffed at as conspiracy theory and ignored.

Now, the watchtowers are being seen by everyone… and many Canadians will sleep less comfortably knowing they are subject to the arbitrary whims of the dictators who have power and promised to confiscate their wealth for wrong-think.   Things will not return to ‘normal’ in Canada with so many realizing the state of their oppression.

The working class in Canada seem to be in an abusive relationship with their elected leaders.  These revelations cannot easily be ignored.

Let’s check the classic abuser checklist: