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NCIS LA: Why Hetty is the leader the show needs


You know what sometimes bugs me? When some 'fans' would prefer a boring and at times obnoxious goody goody two shoes boss who can't do no wrong over an interesting boss with a mysterious element to her. Like, talk about wanting a BOOOORRRRRIIIINNNGGGGG boss over someone who's far far more interesting!

Today, I read an insulting comment from someone who said that NCIS LA works better without Hetty. And I'm like 'What the actual F-k'? Since when is that even true?! Hetty is the true heart of this show! Her interesting past and colorful ways of getting the job done is why so many fans love her! And this person thinks that an awkward techie who had no leadership experience playing dress up for 1 stupid year is better then her?! (don't ask, just try to get through Season 12 to find out what I mean).

The job the whole team has, requires playing rough and tough instead of all nicey nicey. And Hetty has the skills, the experience, and the abilities to get the job done!

Here's why she's exactly what this show needs in a leader: (slight spoilers down below!)

1, She's mysterious and interesting!

Yeah yeah, some might say that her mysterious past and her love of secrets means that she's trouble. Well, that's not the truth.

She's an ex spy, so it's only natural that her past is mysterious. That mysterious element also means she has much needed experience needed to catch tough criminals! Sometimes, catching certain criminals, requires trying to think like one, and well, 'playing games' to catch them! Sometimes it works out, and sometimes it results in injury, just part of the risks of the job!

Plus, her mysterious past means that she has a lot of good stories to tell! Which I could listen to all day.

Plus again, it makes her interesting! Which is so much better then your average 'has never done anything wrong goody goody'. 'eyeroll emoji'.

2, She's tough

Being in charge means being tough. And she's all kinds of tough!

3, She's also very sweet

She also has a soft side underneath her tough exterior. She loves tea, she helps her agents out, she even lets them hug her or even kiss her if they want to!

4, She's very wise.

Being in the business a long time gives you a lot of experience, and wisdom. And it's exactly what she has. A lot of her best lines are her small bits of wisdom scattered throughout the Season.

5, She's there for her team when they need her.

Her agents getting injured or in trouble? She's right there at the end of the day! Needing to get rid of unwanted wedding guests? She has crafty ways of getting rid of them! Someone needing a confidence boost? She's there for them! (well, except when the writing is terrible with no real explanation)

6, Her motherly relationships with Callen and Nell are so sweet.

With Callen, she's looked after him since he was a kid. And with Nell, I think she looks at her like she's the daughter she never had, or maybe she sees a bit of herself in Nell.

Either way, both relationships are so cute.

7, Linda, is, incredible!!

I couldn't end this article without giving kudos to the actress herself. She is so amazing! She's been in the business for a long time, she has emotional range, a tough but adorable look, Plus, she's even an Oscar winner! And, she's just adorable all together!

This show did the best thing by hiring her.

All in all, Hetty is the leader this show needs, not some grumpy loser, or goody goody two shoe who can't do anything wrong.