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Big Mother’s Smothering Protection of Little Joseph

A strong leader would ask Big Mother to stop interfering on his behalf.

We’ve all seen it before. Two children collide on the soccer field. Little Joseph loses his footing and hits the grass. The next second, an hysterical woman charges onto the field to scream at the other child, the referee, and anyone who asks her to calm down. Little Joseph is or should be humiliated at having his mommy fight his battles for him. His mother bellows for justice citing the “rules” which seem only to matter when they help little Joseph.

That kind of scene comes to mind as our digital “Big Mother,” has intervened yet again to protect America’s frail little Joseph. As many know, the chant, “Let’s go Brandon!” has become an expression of contempt for big media’s attempt to recast the now common, “F*** Joe Biden!” chant that now dominates so many Saturday sports venues. A reporter recently told viewers that the chant was actually for a NASCAR figure, Brandon Brown, not for the president. 

Soon, Rapper Bryson Gray produced a wildly viral video repeating the chant. The artist also claimed that “they” use the COVID-19 pandemic as a pretext to censor and oppress. YouTube, an arm of “Big Mother,” deleted the video to control “misinformation.” Nothing like censorship to reassure the public that we’re still free. Don’t badmouth little Joseph. Big Mother is watching.

The censorship follows shortly on the heels of a decision from Big Mother’s election “fairness” arm, the Federal Elections Commission. In that case, the FEC ruled that Twitter and Facebook did not interfere in the election by censoring accurate and truthful reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop story which revealed solid evidence of Biden family influence peddling in Ukraine, China, and other countries. Big Mother also told the public that the evidence was just Russian disinformation—a complete lie. No matter, Big Mother’s FEC dutifully protected little Joseph. According to the New York Times, “The election commission determined that Twitter’s actions regarding the Hunter Biden article had been undertaken for a valid commercial reason, not a political purpose, and were thus allowable.” 

Early in the election cycle, “Big Mother” coordinated to destroy one of the funniest Meme artists around, Carpe Donktum, when the comedic genius mocked CNN’s fetish for race themed stories and when he borrowed a Nickelback video to highlight a photo depicting Little Joseph in a golfing party with his son and Ukrainian oligarchs. All of what was depicted was true. But it was harmful to Little Joseph. So “Big Mother” interceded.

Big Mother works tirelessly to protect us from off-script information, excuse me, “misinformation.” In May, Facebook cracked down on the “misinformation” claim that a runner had trouble breathing during an 800 meter race due to a required facemask. Was Big Mother concerned that the information wasn’t true? Video of the runner shows her absurdly trying to run with the mask on. Or did Big Mother just want to stop mockery of the excessive facemask restrictions? Big Mother doesn’t have to answer your questions. 

Until May of this year, Big Mother censored anyone who suggested that COVID might have originated from a lab in China and not from a weird Wuhan wet market. Big Mother continues to censor anyone who questions the effectiveness or safety of vaccines. Nothing builds confidence in an experimental vaccine like censoring people who raise questions about it.

Unlike the little Joseph on the soccer field, the Joseph in the White House has actually taken to encouraging, even demanding that Big Mother censor voices that contradict his agenda. As noted by the Wall Street Journal, the White House is “flagging problematic posts for Facebook,” and that “It’s been clear for some time that the tech giants look to government to determine what coronavirus-related speech to allow. YouTube’s misinformation policy bans content that contradicts the evolving guidance of ‘health authorities.’” 

Big Mother frequently intercedes to “correct” what it calls “misinterpretation” of little Joseph’s misstatements and gaffes. When Biden attended a ceremony receiving the 13 U.S. servicemen who died in the chaos of the Afghanistan withdrawal, Big Mother told everyone not to believe their lying eyes that little Joseph seemed bored and frequently checked his watch.

Nobody wants to mess with Big Mother. She’s a terrifying force. But her smothering protection of little Joseph makes him look weak and dependent. A strong leader would ask his Big Mother to stop. But little Joseph welcomes it.