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House Passes $550B Infrastructure Bill – 13 Republicans Voted With Democrats

The final registered roll call vote will be [available here], it’s not yet registered.   However, at almost midnight the House finally passed the previous $550 billion Senate infrastructure bill.

After a day of back-biting and internal debate among the far-left communist wing and the socialist wing inside the democrat caucus, Nancy Pelosi was forced to bring the long delayed ordinary infrastructure bill to a vote.  13 republicans supported it.  The final vote was 228/206.

This bill has a long backstory {SEE HERE} as it was originally going to be connected to a massive Build Back Better social spending bill demanded by the communists in the House.  However, after months of attempts to structure some way to get two bills out of the House, one of them insanely over-the-top with social spending, eventually the communists were forced to let the original senate bill come up for a stand alone vote.

With the Democrats needing a win, any win, to show they are capable of doing something…. they put this bill to a vote.   The future of their communist social spending bill is unknown.