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iShare too, A Series Of Trumps Deceptions (#1)

Op by Sunlit7

 Back in 2015 when Donald Trump released his financial disclosure form it was littered with your basic down home branded American products.  That doesn't hold true much today he's invested in some of the most powerful powerhouse brokers on the planet reaping in huge gains hidden away in overseas investment firms. This isn't going to be a long overdrawn look into all Trump's financial dealings, there's just way to many of them to deal with them all in one article. Not to mention I have about the attention span and patience of a two year trying to decipher and understand it all. Basically that's how Trump gets away with all his deceptions, he knows the average, or below average for that matter, joe isn't going to going digging for what they don't understand in the first place. What they will do though is fall for the stories in the MSM depicting Trump's huge losses in the empire he built just so he could rescue America. So what I am going to do is a series of articles focusing on some of the investments his trust holds, their links to these powerhouse brokers, some linked to the global agenda and some investments in funds paying out huge gains related to the covid crisis and the investments in companies with anticipated gains in the future using the current technology. (https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/DJT_PFD_Statement_(1).pdf)

I think one of the biggest questions one should ask themselves looking over these disclosures is how one can make America great again by investing in foreign markets and emerging foreign markets. One that lays in direction contrast to making America great again is his investments with Black Rock. Earlier this morning I was "in the mood" as I call it to lay a bit of attention to the list I made of his family trust investments. So I decided to pick one in particular with a rather large investment listed as 50,000 to 100,000 invested. I plugged in what is iShares msci eafe etf. That ended up linking me to this page. (https://www.ishares.com/us/products/etf-investments)

The iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of large, med., and small capitalization developed market equities, EXCLUDING the US and Canada.

Well if that won't make America great again I don't know what will. /s

Let's have at the top holdings involved in this fund:

Nestle SA 2.05%
ASMC Holding NV 1.52%
Roche Holding PARAG 1.18%
LYMH 1.72%
Toyota Motor Corp 1.10%
Astrazeneca PLC 1.08%
Novartis AG .96%
Nova Nordisk Class B .83%
Unilever PLC .83%

Some of the top sectors:
Financials 17.07%
Industries 15.68%
Consumer Discretionary 12.66%
Health Care 12.57%
Consumer staples 10.67%
Information Technology 9.56%
Communications 4.77%
Materials 7.28%
Energy 3.46%
Utilities 3.22%
Real Estate 2.91%
other 0.66%

Hit up the link and look at the growth of a 10,000 dollar investment since it's inception and that upward tick in growth starting around the beginning of January last year. Then look at that eye popping 30 day SEC Yield. I am not even good at this stuff but from what I've read that's a stockholders best wet dream. Now let's take a look at the 2021 Annual Report and have our self a look in that box off to the left of total returns as of May 31, 2021 for the MSCI international listing, forget the wet dream you are in pure ecstasy, triple that effect with three family trust invested. This doesn't even hit on the 15,000 to 50,000 investment in iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF or the Blackrock EVNT DRNT DRVNEQ-INST 1,000 to 15,000 with what promoted as a return rate of 1.88%. Sure beats hanging out with that loser John Paulson or those companies he used to be invested in that held true to his make America great again scheme as spoken by this writer back in 2016 in How Donald Trump Invest. (https://www.kiplinger.com/article/investing/t043-c007-s001-how-donald-trump-invests.html)

Trump’s stock and mutual fund investments are true to his “Make America Great” theme. Less than 4% of his investments are in foreign stocks, excluding his hedge funds, for which such statistics are impossible to obtain. Emerging-markets stocks account for less than 0.5% of his stock money.

While The Donald is cleaning up on his $$big$$beautiful$$vaccines$$, and this is just the tip of it, my suspicion is that he'll spend the next three years profiting off of what will become known as the great global tragedy. He'll continue to parade on about helping save America while investing in companies seeing huge gains off the agony and deaths of others, now including our children. He'll remerge to triumph calls of saving America while closely aligning himself with the very companies committed to building back better, tearing it all down and starting over at the expense of those Americans. Black Rock is exactly one of those companies and they lay out a no holds bar. Some of us are aware of the recent tactics to buy up houses in middle and upper class neighbors to covert them into apartments but few people have heard yet that Black Rock intends upon taking people's retirement investments and investing them in China and seen highlighted in this story on The New Americanist.  A thought so chilling that they've found common ground with George Soros opinion of it, that tells you it's a article worth a read.  (https://thenewamericanist.com/1-2-3-4-5-6-7-9-10-13-20/)

So if that alone couldn't keep Trump with investing with Black Rock then, Trump, the purveyor of "climate change is a hoax", surely wouldn't invest with a company who is now literally threating every company listed to conform to the climate change net zero emissions right? Nah. Force them to diversify their boards? Nah. Force them to diversify their workforce? Nah. The list goes on and on yet Trump, and that Make America Great Again motto is exactly that, just a motto, the Mr. Haney of all Mr Haney's selling snake oil. Because it really doesn't get any worse than this...

In 2020, BlackRock became a participant of the UN Global Compact (“UNGC”). This Disclosure includes BlackRock’s Communication on Progress regarding incorporation of the Ten Principles of the UNGC into BlackRock’s business operations, strategies, policies, and procedures. (https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/continuous-disclosure-and-important-information/blackrock-2020-sasb-disclosure.pdf)

Scroll down to page 7 & 8 in the squared boxes, exhibit 2, read under board quality and effectiveness.

BIS expects companies to disclose their approach to ensuring appropriate board diversity and in those markets where the team considers demographic diversity a priority, (ie., North America, UK, developed countries in Europe, Japan and Australia), a demographic profile of the incumbent board.

Under companies impacts on people:

Companies should disclose actions they are taking to support a diverse and engaged workforce and, in those market where BIS considers demographic diversity a priority, (ie., North America, UK, developed countries in Europe, Japan and Australia), a demographic profile of it's workforce BIS ask that companies provide evidence of board oversight, due diligence, and remediation of adverse impacts to people arising out of their business practices.

Now if you don't understand why you are being fired from or quitting your job because you refuse to take a mandated vaccine it's because of the sign on to the globalist agenda to tear everything down and build back better, up to and including demanding that every work force globally is equally distributed among the races. Because if these companies refuse to march to the demands of the globalist they'll face being proxied by the globalist overlords. Scroll down to approach to proxy voting...

BIS may choose to engage with the company to explain IT'S expectations where BIS believe a company has failed to address one or more material issues within an appropriate time frame, BIS may hold directors accountable by voting against their re-election or take other voting actions to signal it's concerns.

That's just a small part of it. Your company may be banished altogether. Read the letter to their clients.  It's quite lengthy. If you've never went to their main site it'll be a real immediate eye opener to everything that is transpiring around you.  Just the short opening video displayed will really be all you need to hear. You can continue on for hours like I did and see the repeated demands laid out or or else scenario's.
This is what's directly corresponding to what's happening all around us and Trump's right in there with them. This is in no way making America great again it's actually just the reverse. There should be no reason that people should have to give up what they've worked hard for to build in their lives so that other people can be imported to make their lives better. It should be the people with billions taking their money to these countries and building infrastructure to make their lives better. They have the resources in place to achieve such goals but this isn't really about equality and equity, this is really just about making the rich richer. Isn't it Mr Trump.

