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When Operation Warp Speed meets Governor Screw-Up

That sound you’re hearing is Operation Warp Speed 
coming to a screeching halt.

President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed has been a triumph on a scale we have not seen from our lumbering Federal Government in my lifetime. By cutting through the red tape and working in partnership with drug companies, several vaccines have been developed for COVID-19 in record time.

Despite the naysayers in the media – as well as on the Democrat Presidential ticket – Trump’s Operation Warp Speed delivered exactly what he promised it would: a COVID vaccine before the end of 2020.

It’s amazing what can be accomplished when we have a President who knows that, as a general rule, government rarely works as quickly or efficiently as the private sector.

Operation Warp Speed worked because Trump ensured that the Federal Government allowed the private sector to lead the way.

This is something New York Governor Andrew Cuomo does not understand. Not even a little.

As a result, Operation Warp Speed has slammed into the over-regulatory capriciousness of Cuomo’s heavy-handed, meddlesome governing style.

Yesterday, the man who can’t stop bragging about himself, bragged that he is “not a typical politician” because he will use distribution of the vaccine as a way to enact “social and racial justice.”

That sound you’re hearing is Operation Warp Speed coming to a screeching halt while more New Yorkers die.

New York State surpassed the one million mark on the number of people who have contracted COVID-19. And rather than prioritize the most vulnerable first, this idiot is prioritizing “social and racial justice.”

And to ensure medical providers obey his commands, Cuomo has created yet another executive order that will severely fine those that do not obey his capricious “prioritization.”

So if you’re a doctor who does not prioritize “social and racial justice” or vaccinates someone Governor Cuomo hasn’t deemed “eligible” to receive a vaccination, the state will penalize you by fining you up to one million dollars and revoking your license.

He just can’t help himself.

With Operation Warp Speed, President Trump worked in partnership with drug makers – letting them take the lead in developing the vaccine while the Federal Government provided money and resources.

Governor Screw-Up on the other hand, is going to be the monkey wrench that slows Operation Warp Speed to a crawl while tying the hands of those whose job it is to get New Yorkers vaccinated.

Joe Pilot Tweet: When Operation Warp Speed meets Governor Screw-Up

This is completely illogical. What if the provider has vaccinated everyone who is “eligible” and has some doses left over? Are they supposed to just throw those doses away rather than risk a million dollar fine and the loss of their license?

Like every screw-up Cuomo has made over COVID, this screw-up will mean more lives lost.

Harkov Tweet: When Operation Warp Speed meets Governor Screw-Up

Give Andrew Cuomo a problem and he is guaranteed to make the problem worse.

Give him a solution at warp speed, and Cuomo will find a way to screw it up completely and turn the solution into yet another catastrophic problem.