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Still Only One Republican Senator Formally Supporting Electoral Challenge?

Congressman Mo Brooks: There's Still Only One Republican Senator, 

Josh Hawley, Formally Supporting Electoral Challenge – 

Warns Ted Cruz is Pulling A Political Stunt

Representative Mo Brooks appears on Newsmax to discuss the 2020 election overall and specifically in Georgia.  Mr Brooks reminds the audience that only one senator, Josh Hawley, has actually and formally stated his intent to challenge the electoral certification; and that challenge only pertains to Pennsylvania.

Brooks states Ted Cruz has threatened to assemble and join with a coalition of Senators for additional states, but Cruz has defined his effort as contingent upon approval of the audit.

I suspect Mo Brooks is correct and the Ted Cruz play is optics only.  Cruz will propose a commission following Senator Hawley’s objection, that proposal will be voted down by a simple majority in the senate on Wednesday and that’s that.  Cruz is optics only.

It is troublesome that no other senators are willing to contest a state certification other than Josh Hawley objecting to Pennsylvania.

Representative Mo Brooks also appeared on Lou Dobbs tonight. (see below)