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Pelosi's New Rules for 117th Congress Includes Protective “Whistleblower Ombudsman” Filter

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has organized new rules for the 117th congress. [pdf here]

Within the rules there are punishments for members who would create or promote memes on their social media; there are a host of new subcommittees established including coronavirus; and interestingly, a new “Ombudsman” filtering position within the whistle-blower process that would protect the Biden administration from exposure of corruption.

Diversity is a paramount issue, including an entire office dedicated to ensure that any witness panel to congress would also have diversity.  Yes, “witness diversity.”

The “Whistle-blower Ombudsman” position is clearly a protective move to keep control of any remaining Trump-era officials that might expose corrupt activity.

Pelosi also uses the congressional rules to position the Mayor of DC with House admittance privileges that will likely lead to an attempt at gaining statehood.

❗Members of congress are now subject to disciplinary action if they promote memes on their social media.  Sleepy, Creepy, incoherent President Biden not allowed by proclamation. 

The full house pdf of rules here.  The embed below:

If you have an awareness of how the House operates; and a basic ability to sniff out the real agenda behind the BS terminology; check them out and let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comment section.

When you read them it is very obvious what the rules are intended to do.