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Is This the Normal You Voted For?

What voters truly want is a return to the true normal—namely, the normal that our free republic can once again inspire the world with what our free people achieve.

We are being bombarded by a triangulation of disinformation from the Left’s political hacks, complicit media, and crony corporations. This deceitful trifecta is a psychological operation against Republicans, populists, and conservatives—the sane coalition that alone can and must save our republic from the tyranny of “[their] democracy.”

Through this diaphanous prism of realization, one can starkly comprehend the Left’s game and aims: 

  • The reckless misuse and mistreatment of National Guard troops to paint a false narrative that anyone, not a leftist is a white supremacist and terrorist; and the re-weaponization of the federal government against the Left’s opponents for partisan advantage.
  • The Democratic Congress’ vindictive impeachment of a former president to decapitate a populist movement of over 74 million Americans; corrosive partisan lust to expand and pack the federal courts with judicial activists, including the Supreme Court; and angling to give the District of Columbia statehood to secure more Leftist senators and a representative. 
  • Our current executive sock puppet’s record-breaking torrent of job-crushing, science-denying, citizenry dividing executive orders; his pretending there was no plan for distributing the COVID-19 vaccine, while cynically plagiarizing his predecessors’ plan.
  • And, lest we forget, Mr. Biden’s mendacious invitations to “unity”—the rank hypocrisy of which gnaws at the fraying bonds of the elementary fairness that is one of the last shards of civic comity. 

We are inundated with this insanity as we are incessantly told that 80 million Americans voted for Biden. Why? Because the Left wants us to believe that those supposed 80 million Americans who voted for Biden also voted for his radical agenda.

They didn’t.

The 2020 election was a referendum on President Trump. All of his administration’s accomplishments over the preceding three years were eclipsed by the immediacy and urgency of the pandemic. Amid the tragic deaths, economic devastation, and constitutional infringements wrought by the virus and governors’ lethal lockdowns and policies, as well as the Left’s ongoing “mostly peaceful” riots, the Democrats and their media and corporate cohorts used the pandemic as a pretext to do everything in their power to unlevel the electoral playing field so their side would win. It worked.

Moreover, the Democrats and cronies didn’t spend over $1 billion—much of it “dark money”—to make sure voters were informed about their radical agenda and that they earned voter enthusiasm. They succeeded, with the help of the lapdog state media, because candidate Biden performed the role of a basement-dwelling avuncular uncle and played the lame political game of letting his words obscure his future deeds. In short, like Warren Harding, he campaigned for a return to “normalcy.”

But unlike Harding, Biden ran on a radical platform. Consequently, after a little over a week in office, we can already ask millions of Biden’s voters: “Is this the normal you voted for?”

It is a rhetorical question, of course, but one that needs to be asked. During the Left’s disinformation onslaught, never forget why they are hell-bent on demonizing, demoralizing, dividing, and destroying you and all who oppose their bilious radicalism. Never forget why Democratic candidates soft-pedal their agenda during campaigns and constantly redefine terms to disguise their aims. Never forget why the Left must resort to branding their opponents as racists, etc., and to changing the historic, plain meaning of words in real-time merely to further smear their opponents and suit their own heinous aims. 

It is because the Left’s radical agenda is demonstrably injurious to peace, prosperity, and forming a more perfect American union based upon liberty and equality.

So, the first, essential steps in the long struggle to reaffirm America’s revolutionary experiment in human freedom and self-government is to keep your head; keep your eye on the ball of the 2022 midterm elections; and keep reminding voters that populist Republican candidates will deliver a return to the true normal—namely, the normal that our free republic is again inspiring the world with what our free people achieve.