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Didn't Take Long -- Kamala Extends the Middle Finger to Joe Manchin in West Virginia

Are popcorn futures sold on weekends?

Joe Hiden and Kamala Harris lose West Virginia in the 2020 general election by a margin of 69-30%.

Joe Manchin is the Democrat Senator from West Virginia, in a Senate divided 50-50.  I haven’t checked the precise figures yet, but it is possible that Joe Manchin might be the only Democrat elected to office anywhere in West Virginia.

Joe Manchin and Kamala Harris voted the same way only 52% of the time in the most recent Congressional Session when they were both in the Senate, so it’s about a 50-50 proposition where Manchin is going to agree with anything that Harris has been given to memorize and repeat by her handlers back in DC.

So, you can probably guess Joe’s reaction when Harris showed up in the West Virginia media doing a local news interview on the subject of the American Rescue Plan legislation that Biden is putting forth — a $1.9 trillion COVID-relief spending bill that Joe Manchin isn’t yet on board with.

It was back on January 8 that Manchin threw sand in the gears of Pres. Trump’s proposed relief plan that included $2,000 stimulus checks for each American — which raised the cost from the House-passed $600 check by a total of nearly $500 billion.

As the Fox News story notes, it wasn’t only West Virginia where Harris gave an interview to local news — she did the same thing in Arizona as well. That just happens to be the home state of Sen. Krystin Sinema, another Democrat Senator from a purple state who needs to protect herself from an aggressive GOP challenge in her next re-election contest, and as a result has sent out some signals that she’s not 100% on board with a full-on socialist agenda.

The fact that the Harris puppet masters in the Democrat party picked West Virginia and Arizona as the two places to do local news interviews just waves a red flag in front of Manchin’s face that they are going to use public pressure to keep him on board.

I guess maybe they thought they picked a local station that only Democrat voters in West Virginia watch.

Regardless of their thinking — or lack thereof — the outcome of their gambit was not good.  I guess they can hold out hope that the Marxist Party of West Virginia has passed the copy of the Harris interview around among its members, and they all like it.  But Joe Manchin speaks for a lot more West Virginian voters than does Kamala Harris.  And Joe Manchin wasn’t sanguine about the Biden Administration’s transparent tactic.

But U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said he was surprised by the Harris interview in his state, claiming no one from the administration had called him to discuss the appearance, WSAZ-TV of Huntington, W.Va., reported.

The communication gap was a departure from the national “unity” theme that Harris and President Biden have promoted, he suggested.

“We’re going to try to find a bipartisan pathway forward, but we need to work together,” Manchin told the station. “That’s not a way of working together.”

This was Joe’s comment for the press.  I’m pretty certain Joe or a senior member of his staff communicated the message in a bit different form to both Chuck Schumer and the White House.

Maybe something like this.

Following the TV appearances, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked why the vice president chose to address local media in the two states.

“We want to make the case to the American people across the country. … This is a way to do just that,” Psaki said. She added that Harris would likely do more regional interviews in other states.

Oh – it was just a coincidence that this nationwide campaign to speak to the American people began in West Virginia and Arizona. That changes everything.

Right Joe?