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Get off your knees!

Forcing US Military personnel to their knees used to be something only America’s enemies did. Now they’re doing it to themselves.

Remember back in 2016 when Iran’s clown navy captured a US naval vessel?  A gleeful and gloating Iran spread those propaganda pictures of US sailors on their knees before their Iranian captors.

US Sailors on their knees

It was the most shameful thing ever.

And rather than express outrage over it, the Obama State Department, led by the horse-faced Secretariat of State John Kerry fell figuratively to its knees and groveled to Iran.

Well, clearly that groveling embrace of submission offered by the Obama Administration is still infecting the US Military.

Yesterday members of the National Guard went to their knees during a street protest.

And apparently we’re all supposed to be THRILLED at how wonderful it is.

Yeah. No.

I’m not thrilled. It isn’t wonderful.

It’s disgusting.

Get off your knees, you idiots!

I couldn’t agree more.

But now you understand what I meant when I said in my previous post that the campus culture of collective guilt and victimhood has infected the entire nation.

It is not just Leftist activists, Limousine Liberals or sycophantic Democrat politicians, but US Military personnel on their knees.

As Jesse Kelly put it, “What you’re seeing is the end result of 50+ years of capitulation in the culture wars. Yesterday, it was your sociology professor. Today, it’s your CEOs, politicians, and military leaders.”

And like the Iranians did with those US sailors in 2016, the Leftists who have infected our once exceptional nation will gleefully broadcast this moment of submission – all the while gloating at what they’ve brought us to.

They don’t want justice; they want surrender.

They don’t want equality; they want capitulation.

Forcing US Military personnel to their knees used to be something only America’s enemies did. Now the US Military is doing it to themselves.

Remember all that media twaddle about President Trump supposedly diminishing America’s standing in the world? Well, how is our standing looking when US Military personnel are voluntarily dropping to their knees?

These men make us look weak and capitulating.

You think China or Iran see this video of Guardsmen on their knees and think, “Boy, those guys are gonna be tough to beat.”

Not in the least.

America’s enemies are salivating at the sight of this.

Honestly, what is wrong with people?