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“Watchdog” chums waters for media sharks with a “report”

So yesterday the HHS IG released a report and CNN wants you to know, “The nation’s hospitals are dealing with ‘severe’ and ‘widespread’ shortages of needed medical supplies, hampering the ability to test and respond to the coronavirus pandemic adequately and protect medical staff, according to a new report from a government inspector general.”

The report was based on stale information, almost 2 weeks old at this point and as I am sure you know, things have been moving quite rapidly as the administration tries to handle this unknown Chinese pathogen afflicting our country. BUT, never let an opportunity to go to waste, and mark my words, there’s a stable of “whistleblowers” waiting to go FULL CIARAMELLA once we can come up for air on this. No pun intended.

The report provides an accounting of the shortages faced by hospitals nationwide in trying to obtain equipment for staff and patients, including the avenues some hospitals turned to to acquire those items, like online retailers and paint stores. It also details the challenges hospitals faced in trying to keep up with testing demands and the inconsistent guidance that caused confusion. 
The report is not a review of the Health and Human Service Department’s response to the coronavirus outbreak and acknowledges the pandemic is “fast-moving, as are the efforts to address it.”

The IG responsible for the report is “Christi Grimm, the principal deputy inspector general for HHS. Grimm has served in the federal government for more than two decades in both Democratic and Republican administrations.”

Now since we aren’t dilly-dallying about, with RUSSIA boogeymen and fake charges of espionage and RUSSIAN collusion but with a deadly virus killing Americans who die alone as their failing lungs are gasping for air, you would think some kind of problem would be brought to the administration’s attention immediately instead of waiting two weeks to release to the media first. If you think these resistance monsters give two shits about human life and death, you would be very wrong and this play shows you exactly what they care about which is ORANGE MAN BAD.

Guess what? The states are supposed to have a stockpile of medical necessities and the states are supposed to execute their plans on the ground not the feds. The feds suck at this kind of thing, they are slow and clumsy. But state and local officials know their state and city, know the resources and know the people and institutions that make it easier to mobilize in an emergency. Blaming the feds for the execution FUBARs is wrong. And aren’t these freaky-deaky resistance schmucks always screaming and moaning about what a fascist tyrant Trump is? Why on earth would they put him in charge of every city and state in the country? These idiots love federalism when they make their sanctuary city laws but not so much when they are actually responsible something serious, like the health and well-being of their residents.

Here’s Admiral Brett Giroir M.D., Assistant Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services responding to some of the claims in the “report.” Since he’s much more familiar with the logistics, Trump turned the response over to him. CNN left out anything Giroir said in their diary entry, even though he’s the expert.