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Tens of dollars

So it’s the prospect of gaining tens of dollars – not saving American lives — that’s the motivation behind Trump’s support for hydroxychloroquine? Good work, team!


In their never-ending quest to prove they’re nothing but a bunch of lunatic conspiracy theorists, the New York Times is reporting that President Trump is pushing hydroxychloroquine because he has a financial stake in one of the companies that manufactures it.

Yup, President Trump wants patients with Wuhan virus to have access to hydroxychloroquine because he stands to make tens of dollars off of it.

The New York Times really blew the lid off this one, didn’t they?!

The NYT is just another sufferer of Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome.

They actually want you to believe that it’s the prospect of gaining tens of dollars – not saving American lives — that’s the motivation behind President Trump’s support of hospitals using hydroxychloroquine on Wuhan patients.

Tens of dollars hillbilly
Tens of dollars Jesse Kelly

According to MarketWatch, President Trump’s personal stake in this one pharmaceutical company is, at the most, $1,485 and at the least, $99.00.

I’m thinking that’s pocket change to President Trump.

He probably loses more money between the couch cushions than he has invested in Sanofi.

To believe that he stands to see much of a gain is comical.

Plus, as MarketWatch points out:

Another point worth making is how little the malaria drug means to Sanofi’s bottom line. In 2019, what the company calls Plaquenil wasn’t even broken out by name in the company’s financial accounts, while 33 other medications were.

That is hardly surprising as the drug has been around since the 1950s and is available generically.

Generic for seventy years. I mean come on!

I can tell you pharmacies around here don’t carry the brand name Plaquenil.  Why should they order that when generic versions of hydroxychloroquine sulfate are so plentiful and cheap?

What kind of a nitwit would believe that Trump is going to all this trouble for a personal stake of less than fifteen hundred dollars in a company that makes the brand name Plaquenil?

Two manufacturers of the generic — Novartis and Teva — are donating millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine in the fight against the Wuhan virus.  Novartis is donating one hundred and thirty million doses — Teva another ten million doses.

In other words, there’s no windfall coming Trump’s way. Not even tens of dollars.

You would have to be a quarter-wit to think Trump is doing this for the money.

But that isn’t stopping the New York Times, is it?

See, this is what I mean when I say that the news media has created a mythical Trump Monster.  Their mythical version of Trump bears no resemblance to the real man.

Sweet merciful Zeus! The real Donald Trump donates his Presidential salary every quarter.  That’s more than a million bucks he’s donated back to the Federal Treasury so far this term.

But they actually want us to believe that this same man who is donating his salary is hawking hydroxychloroquine for pocket change?

It’s laughable.

And yet.

The slack-jawed, Trump-deranged nitwits of the Resistance😁 are falling for it.  You should read the replies to Kyle Griffin’s tweet.  These guys are gobbling this up like a half-starved hyena going after a carcass.

Then again, the Resistance😂 will fall for every stupid hit piece that comes over the transom. Anything to feed their Trump-hating addiction.