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Elizabeth Warren in Negotiations with BOTH Bernie and Biden Campaigns

According to recent reporting Elizabeth Warren is in negotiations with Bernie Sanders and with Joe Biden about her future in the race, her scripted departure, and which campaign can provide the best incentives for her endorsement.
The fact that Senator Warren is negotiating with both Bernie and Biden teams only highlights the reality of her inauthentic nature.
Warren’s inauthenticity was painfully obvious as she became more desperate and started pandering to ever-smaller groups of constituents, ultimately culminating in her political promise to allow a transgendered 9-year old grade-school student to select her cabinet.
If Senator Elizabeth Warren takes the Bloomberg cash and endorses Joe Biden she will lose any/all progressive credibility; albeit fraudulently based credibility built upon a need to hide her limo-liberal bona fides.  She will also be targeted by the most vocal left-wing elements of the Bernie-AOC caucus for selling out.
If Senator Warren goes with Bernie Sanders, she can retain her progressive title, but will lose all inside DC political capital and be on the wrong side of the party apparatus.  Or, put another way, it could cost her millions.
So, what will she do?….  Credibility or CASH… which is more valued?
Washington Post – Top surrogates and allies of Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are discussing ways for their two camps to unite and push a common liberal agenda, with the expectation that Warren is likely to leave the presidential campaign soon, according to two people familiar with the talks.
The conversations, which are in an early phase, largely involve members of Congress who back Sanders (I-Vt.) reaching out to those in Warren’s camp to explore the prospect that Warren (D-Mass.) might endorse him. They are also appealing to Warren’s supporters to switch their allegiance to Sanders, according two people with direct knowledge of the conversations who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss delicate discussions that are supposed to be confidential.
Warren associates and the camp of former vice president Joe Biden also had talks about a potential endorsement if she drops out, according to two people familiar with the conversations.(continue reading)

”C’mon Liz, let it in… accept it… let me help you… you know you want to”…