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Weekend Open Thread - Plus Ultra Normal Edition

Another week, another open thread. This week we're going to play a little game of tag. It's easy enough to do, and we've never done it here. This used to be popular on the channels. It works like this. You tag three people in a comment. They show up, reply to you and they tag three people, rinse repeat. Let's see who can get the longest thread of tags in a row. Whoever wins will get exclusive access to this weird picture below, that anyone else can download and also claim as their own, in all of its low resolution and purposefully bad photoshopped glory. I know, it's such a great prize. I don't think I'd be able to handle the responsibility of such a large cache of winning.

When I haven't seen any hot memes or done a lot of memeing to reference in the Next Segment portion of the blog post, a recipe always works. Here's my dude, Sam the Cooking Guy.




y'all know what's up
memes, gifs, music, pics, random thoughts ...
post 'em if you got 'em

and don't forget to recommend
and invite someone new to join in