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California Gov. Gavin Newsom Tweets Out Bizarre Suggestion to Curb Homelessness Prompting Internet Hilarity

 Gavin Newsom
Article by Brandon Morse in "RedState":

California, once the picture of glamour, beauty, and prosperity, has become the state version of Detroit. Major cities are falling into disarray as drugs and homelessness take it over. You’re more likely to find human feces and used needles in places like San Francisco than you are anything else.

It’s become a trash heap, and sitting atop the throne on this heap of trash is Gavin Newsom, California’s ultra-leftist Governor.

Newsom isn’t exactly known for his intelligent style of governing, and everything that comes out of his mouth seems more ridiculous than the last. This also counts for his tweets.

On Friday, Newsom tweeted out a very odd statement about prescriptions and housing.

“Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin or antibiotics,” tweeted Newsom.

I’m sure that made more sense in his head, but he continues.

“We need to start targeting social determinants of health. We need to start treating brain health like we do physical health. What’s more fundamental to a person’s well being than a roof over their head?” he tweeted.

Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin or antibiotics.
We need to start targeting social determinants of health. We need to start treating brain health like we do physical health. What’s more fundamental to a person’s well being than a roof over their head?
Gavin Newsom
Replying to
10 million Californians—1 in 4—suffer from some type of behavioral health condition. It’s not a narrow issue. It’s not a new issue. Physical health and brain health are inextricably linked. And our healthcare system has been designed to treat only one of those.
Let’s be clear: Massive failures in our mental health system and disinvestment in our social safety net—exacerbated by widening income inequality and our housing shortage— has led us to where we are today: too many Californians left to live on our streets.
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People need to be able to work in order to keep a roof over our head. In an economy where many of us need to cobble a few jobs together to make ends meet, AB5 is creating some serious financial hardship. You are creating more homeless people.
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YEs, My doctor believes I need a new GT500 for my mental health. I'll ask him for a perscription
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Yeah - doctors used to do that to people who were perpetually homeless and indigent. It was called institutionalizing.
Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin or antibiotics.
This is a clown post, yes?
What overpaid advisor told you this was a good idea?
Someone give this man his coloring book back.
Governors should be able to run a state, but here we are
I need a prescription for an ocean front condo Memorial Day weekend, should I go to my provider, or do I need to see a specialist?
Can someone call a doctor and get Gavin a prescription for his insanity?
"Hi this is Karen from CVS. I'm calling to verify a prescription for a three-bedroom two-bath ranch style home."

 Imagine filling out a prescription for a home to a drug addict who will now still have a drug addiction, but now have a taxpayer-funded home to live in where his or her drug addiction will continue. What kind of crimes and filth will this home become host to? Taxpayer-funded meth labs, prostitution, and more will likely be a part of this home’s daily routine.

Now apply that to thousands of drug addicts all around California.

I can’t stress how bad of an idea this is, but more than that, I can’t stress how bad of a governor Gavin Newsom is.
