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“Unity Candidate” Pocahasbeen goes on the Warpath

Faster than you can say “DNA test,” the “Unity Candidate” tossed aside her calls for civility, mounted her high horse and went on the warpath.

In her concession speech after the New Hampshire primary, Pocahasbeen cautioned her fellow Democrat candidates about attacking each other.  She would be the Great Unity Candidate  – drawing together the disparate factions of the Democrat base under her banner.

“We cannot afford to fall into factions,” said the fourth place finisher.  “We can’t afford to squander our collective power. We win when we come together.”

Do a Twitter search of “Elizabeth Warren” “Unity Candidate” and you’ll see that Warren’s tribe of faithful followers have all been dutifully tweeting out the message that Pocahasbeen is the “Unity Candidate.”

She’s all about bringing us together!

She alone can unite the party and defeat Donald Trump!

Yeah.  Then last night’s debate happened.

Turns out “Elizabeth Warren: Unity Candidate” is as phony as “Elizabeth Warren: Cherokee.”

Faster than you can say “DNA test,” the “Unity Candidate” tossed aside her calls for civility, mounted her high horse and went on the warpath.

All in hopes of destroying the artificial rise of Mini Mike Bloomberg.

Yesterday in my post “Lots of hubris in that tiny body,” I said this:

If the other candidates are smart (big IF) and play their cards right, they can pull away the mask, reveal the real Mike Bloomberg, and, in turn, deflate the artificially high polling this untested, unproven candidate is receiving right now.

Admittedly, I also said, “But since these are the Democrats, I’m not holding my breath.”

So imagine my surprise that last night the Democrats actually did what I hoped they would.  They hammered Bloomberg into a bloody pulp.  And, before a live television audience, the untested, unproven Bloomberg shrank up faster than George Costanza in a cold swimming pool.

Twitter was abuzz with cheers from the Warren Tribe. #PresidentWarren2020 and #WarrenfortheWin began trending.

Problem is, I don’t know if Pocahasbeen’s line of attack will have any positive effect on her polling.

Sure, it will be red meat for the dwindling number of voters who already like her.  But I don’t know how much appeal it will have to the undecided Democrats.

So while jettisoning her “I’m the Unity Candidate” shtick to bludgeon Bloomberg will probably damage Bloomberg, I’m thinking it will also damage her.

And, see, that’s the heart of it right there.

Michael Bloomberg isn’t cutting into Pocahasbeen’s base of support.  And those Democrats who genuinely support Bloomberg (as opposed to those he’s paying to support him on social media) are gravitating to him because they are fundamentally unhappy with the field — including Warren.

It is Bernie Sanders who is in Elizabeth Warren’s lane, not Bloomberg.

So she destroyed her “I’m the Unity Candidate” shtick to open fire on the guy who isn’t in her way while completely ignoring the guy who is.

But as I said, Liz is as much the “Unity Candidate” as she is a Cherokee. Which is why when I heard her sanctimonious concession speech last week, I laughed out loud.

At the end of the day, Warren is a shrill, angry scold. And those are the very qualities that turn people off. And no amount of soft-focus videos of Rolling Stone photoshoots can change that. She will always be, as Kurt Schlichter once called her the “irritating middle school librarian” with (as Jesse Kelly put it) “the voice of a dying turkey.”

No amount of twaddle about “coming together” and unifying can change that.

And all it took was desperation and envy to strip away that thin veneer and reveal the real Elizabeth Warren.

In the end, her attacks on Bloomberg didn’t just rip the mask off of him.

They ripped away her own “Unity Candidate” façade as well.

And in the long run, that might just hurt her even more.