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NY Post Roasts Nancy Pelosi With the Perfect Cover

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was clearly at her wit’s end last night, racking her brains to figure out how to deal with President Donald Trump. 

After all the effort, an effort that she knew when she started wouldn’t prevail, but she let herself get dragged into anyway, the president was about to be acquitted, acquitted forever and she was going to fail, badly. 

Not only that, the whole effort appears to have boosted Trump’s approval rating, he’s now over 51% according to the latest poll. 

On top of all that, Trump outlined all the things he’d actually achieved, showing the story rather than simply telling it, by introducing the people who benefitted from those actions or achievements, showing the humanity and the Americans involved in what he’s working to do. 

There was Juan Guaido, the person the United States recognizes as the rightful leader of Venezuela, showing the fight for freedom and against the harms of socialism. Iain Lanphier, the thirteen year old who wants to go to space, Trump linked to his founding of the Space Force and back to Iain’s great-grandfather, Gen. Charles McGee, who is one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen. There was Tony Rankins who personally benefitted from Trump’s tax cuts. The parents of Kayla Mueller who had been held hostage and killed while being held by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who the Trump administration took out. The wife and son of Sgt. Christopher Hake, who had been killed by the IRGC terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani, who Trump also took out. The little fourth grade student who wanted an Opportunity Scholarship that Trump gave her, amplifying the need for school choice. The recognition of the efforts of the military with the surprise welcome home for a young family of the dad who had been deployed for months. The story of Jody Jones, whose brother Rocky had been killed by an illegal alien because of the great wrong of the sanctuary city/states of the Democrats. 

On top of that, the booming economy and the record unemployment.

“Members of Congress,” Trump said, “We must never forget that the only victories that matter in Washington are victories that deliver for the American people.” 

He’s done just that.

Meanwhile Democrats embarrassed themselves by not even able to put on the caucuses in Iowa, a complete disaster with everything in chaos, and their candidates in disarray. 

What was Pelosi left with?

All she had left was a tantrum that she knew her fans on the left might celebrate, but would be rejected by Americans. 

So the New York Times lit her up in an article from Michael Goodwin but also with a very apropos cover. 
Coming immediately after he finished, and while he was still on the podium, you had to know the television cameras would catch you. No doubt that was your goal — to display your disgust to the nation and the world. Viva la resistance!
Message received, and here’s back at you: You disgraced your office and all of Congress.
If you had an ounce of decency and respect for something other than your own power, you would apologize. Better yet, take a hike and give your job to somebody who wants to help make America better, not tear it up.
House Republicans must immediately demand a censure vote, making clear their strong disapproval of Pelosi’s temper tantrum. Let Democrats show where they stand on such reprehensible conduct.

“Tore loser.”

HT: Townhall