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Kevin McCarthy Gets the Last Word in on Nancy Pelosi’s Tantrum

The other night, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hit a low point even for someone suffering from her advanced stage of moral decrepitude. In a rehearsed stunt…she pre-tore the pages of the State of the Union part way through the speech…she ripped the House’s official copy of the State of the Union speech in two on national television. 

While this was naturally cheered by the Jacobins and Bosheviks that now constitute the American left as some huge statement, it was actually a petty act by an inconsequential little twit whose usurpation of the role of Speaker of the House is an affront to the Republic every day.

Just a short while ago, however, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy got in the last laugh.

Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi was unmoved and chose to tear up the House’s copy of that speech. She had no right to destroy this document, especially one filled with such impactful stories of American patriots. The record was presented before the People’s House, and it belongs to the American People. And that’s why I’m hear today. In my hand I have an official copy of the President’s State of the Union address, signed by the President, given to me at the White House today. It will be delivered to the House Clerk to be archived and preserved for posterity. Whether she likes it or not, these great American stories will be remembered by history, not erased by the Speaker.

This whole episode is childish. I understand Pelosi having her Depends® in damp little wad because she’s had her ass publicly handed to her in the sham impeachment engineered by her catchfarts and minions. Any sensible person would be sorely ashamed of having perpetrated that fraud upon the nation and then had it revealed as such on international television. But having the lack of commonsense to think that faking a tantrum and tearing up a speech makes you look powerful…or even sane…is inexcusable.

The House has its official copy of the speech back. The President has been acquitted and looks to be in good shape for November 2020. Pelosi is further diminished and could very well be a lame duck Speaker by daybreak on November 4. Maybe she can start pretending to not have dementia and think about the nation every once in a while…I know, but I can dream, can’t I?