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Why hasn't AG Bill Barr declassified a single document for the public to see?

from @TheLastRefuge2 via Threadreader

It has now been two years since the original declassification requests from congress.

For those who ponder: "evidence in pending cases" (or similar)... What about the DOJ authorization memo that started the Mueller probe?

Why isn't the public allowed to see the originating authorization from Rosenstein to Mueller?

Or the two subsequent expanded scope memos?

Whatever happened to the 40 pages of Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe text messages that Catherine Herridge noted ten months ago? Herridge only published four of the pages in March 2019.

DOJ and FBI hid them from congress.

Why are the Lisa Page and Peter Strzok text messages still redacted - More than two years after their original release (December 1st, 2017)?

Why doesn't DOJ and FBI release the full unredacted texts? What is there to hide?

Who is covering for whom? 

Where is the release of the Susan Rice inauguration day memo to the file?

There was a full paragraph of the Rice letter redacted in the original release (Feb 8, 2018). The paragraph speaks to why she wrote it. Why is that Rice letter being hidden?


Tom Fitton won the FOIA release of the Bruce Ohr 302s. A real hero on this issue.

But why didn’t the DOJ/FBI release all of the Bruce Ohr 302’s without redaction?

Those unredacted 302’s should have been part of the IG report release. Why hide them?

Where’s the unredacted David Archey FBI declarations that were previously ordered to be released by a DC judge?

Again, Judicial Watch won the Comey Memo FOIA. The IG eventually released them (redacted). But what about the Archey Declarations? 

The Mueller investigation ended ten months ago. Why are we still not able to see the three authorization memos that Rosenstein gave to the special counsel on May 17th, August 2nd and October 20th, 2017? 

Those simple questions (releases) are in addition to the original list that congress provided to President Trump in the spring of 2018. A declassification list that DAG Rod Rosenstein asked President Trump on Sept 13th, 2018, not to release until after Mueller investigation. 

Again, the Mueller investigation ended ten months ago; President Trump authorized AG Bill Barr to declassify the material seven months ago (May 23rd, 2019).

Next up the original list from congress in the spring of 2018: 

All unredacted versions of the Carter Page FISA applications. The IG Report was completed, but declassification request was not. Why?

Congress also requested: All of Bruce Ohr’s emails. All supportive documents and material provided by Bruce Ohr to the FBI. [Without redactions] 

Congress requested: "All relevant documents pertaining to the supportive material within the [Carter Page] FISA application." 

Which sounds like the "Woods File".

This was a declassification requested to be included within the IG report of FISA abuse. It wasn't. 

"Bucket Five": All intelligence documents that were presented to the Gang of Eight in 2016 that pertain to the FISA application used against U.S. person Carter Page; including all intelligence documents that may not have been presented to the FISA Court. and...

...the FBI transcripts from wiretaps of George Papadopoulos (also listed in Carter Page FISA).

Presumably "Bucket Five" would include the revealed State Dept emails of Kathleen Kavalac:

Congress also requested: "The originating CIA “EC” or two-page electronic communication from former CIA Director John Brennan to FBI Director James Comey that started Operation Crossfire Hurricane in July 2016."

[NOTE: This one justified by Durham withholding] 

Obviously there's more people would *like* to see, like the April 2017 FISC Judge Collyer report, but that's wishful thinking. However, the stuff listed above is all stuff previously outlined as *pending* release... 

So where is it?

There is a lot of material the public is aware of; and if the DOJ IG doesn’t release the underlying material then what exactly was the purpose of AG Bill Barr asking President Trump for the declassification authority?…

Accountability requires transparency.

Then again, maybe that's ultimately the issue....

Transparency creates accountability. 

There's no motive for President Trump not to be transparent. However, a motive for Bill Barr not to be transparent would depend on his goal.