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Does it matter if Trump’s inner thoughts were only about re-election?

The best persuasion play of the past year has been Democrats/press brainwashing the public to not ask the only relevant question about the “perfect call” with Ukraine.
The only relevant question is this: Is there a legitimate national interest in finding out if the guy leading the polls to be our next president has any blackmail potential from Ukraine? 
That should be a top national concern. Especially since Russia probably finds out anything Ukraine knows. 
Ukraine corruption in general matters, but nothing so much as possible influence over our next president. So treating it as the top corruption risk involving Ukraine is sensible. 
Does it matter if Trump’s inner thoughts were only about re-election? No. As long as he is working on a national priority, he is allowed to benefit politically. 
Imagine a President Biden negotiating with Ukraine when he knows they probably (or might) know more about Hunter than we know. Does he go hard at them when it could be bad for his son? 
Lev Parnas tells us that getting Ukraine to announce an investigation was the focus because no one trusted Ukraine to do the actual investigation. Getting them “a little bit pregnant” with a public announcement creates pressure for them to follow through. Smart play. 
If we accept the obvious, that finding out if Biden could be unduly influenced by Ukraine is a top national priority, and no one trusted Ukraine to do the right thing via normal lower level contacts, what option did Trump have? 
He used Rudy to “hack” a broken system, shake the box, and put pressure on Ukraine, any legal way he could. 
We don’t impeach presidents for operating differently than we would have done in the same situation. Trump ONLY operates differently, hacking one system after another, generally successfully. 
If the way I just framed things is the first time you have thought of it this way, and it probably is, you know why I say making you blind to it is the best persuasion play of the past year.